Lately I’ve been resting into the world.  I’ve just been allowing the world to happen around me and going with the flow.  This is a totally new practice for me.  You see, I’m a master at manifestation.  If I want something, I get it.  It’s not hard to manifest your heart’s desires.  It’s also not hard to manifest your ego’s desires…and therein lies the problem.  What is the difference?  Can you tell?

When the mind is receiving too much information or activity and not enough rest and relaxation, it starts talking really loud.  It overshadows the heart.  It’s really a sad cry for help from the mind that it needs some space and grace to relax, unwind, and disconnect from the world in order to re-connect to Self.  A daily meditation practice is a cure to all of this, but what if you don’t have one?  Simple.  Take a few days off. Spend time in silence and solitude.  Just relax and let your mind unwind.

The problem with all of this is that the mind resists the unwind.  It wants to quickly solve problems to relieve the unbearable stress it is suffering.  It wants answers to it’s questions and desires they come immediately.  That’s why we make choices that we later regret.  That’s why we find ourselves stuck in situations that aren’t in alignment with our heart.  It’s one of the reasons we ultimately suffer.

Can you surrender?  Can you allow space and grace for Spirit to be heard by the heart?  It’s scary, I know, especially if you are a total control freak.  It’s scary because it forces you to walk on the razor’s edge and it makes the mind think that others are making decisions for you that are determining the course of your life.  Sometimes the choices others make hurt in the moment, but they are really doors closing so that others can open.  There is great freedom in surrendering to outcome.  You incarnate for one purpose…to be happy.  Let the Universe politely close and open doors on your path for you.

Om, Pamela


(if you want to learn to meditate, I am leading a FREE introduction to  Meditation at Tri-Health Pavilion this Saturday the 24th of August at 11:30 am.  You will receive modalities to work with…not just lecture.)

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.