I did it.  I finally after years and years of watching demonstrations at Costco purchased the Vitamix.  I’ll be honest.  It was an impulse purchase that I can totally justify.  You see, my digestion has been weird since I returned from India in February.  In India, they had us on a very very aggressive Kundalini Cleanse which basically ended up dousing my digestive fire or Agni completely.  I didn’t stick throughly to their process when I was there because (1) I got sick and (2) I just couldn’t handle the food.   My final week was mostly rice, rotis, and Saag something or other from the hotel restaurant every night.

Returning home, the tumor in my Uterus was found (no worries if you missed that story…I’m fine…need surgery…will do at a later date when I can be off my feet for a week) which impacts my colon because of how it is sitting in there.  Well geez, it’s August now.  I don’t know how 6 months passed but they did.  What has resulted for me is a very weak digestive system and the inevitable weight gain.

Some of this spiritual cleanse was about the physical.  I was curious if I could actually shift my kapha imbalance to the point that the tumor would go away.  I’m half way through this cleanse and I can tell you that  isn’t happening. Hence…the VITAMIX.

What if I could figure out the Ayurvedic formula for making smoothies?  If you’ve ever Cleansed with me, I’m the “no smoothie” person.  They are cold, dense, and sweet.  They diminish your digestive fire.  So how do you turn a smoothie into something that ignites the fire?  Well, you gotta get creative. Here are the do’s and the don’ts of Ayurvedic smoothie land.


  • add dairy.  No yogurt.  No Milk.
  • add sugar in any form other than 1 tsp. of honey.
  • add ice or any cold ingredients.  Everything is hot, warm, or room temperature.


  • add a little sour to your smoothie.  Citrus fruits and fermented products like apple cider vinegar heat the digestive system.
  • add spices that stoke the digestive flame.  Spices like cinnamon, cayenne, pepper, salt, ginger, and cumin all increase the heat.
  • pre-cook your veggies.  Roast your beets, carrots, and other root vegetables before you put them in the Vitamix.  Broccoli, asparagus, and even leafy greens can be lightly steamed first.
  • add a 1 tspn. of ghee to your smoothie.
  • add a little grain to your smoothies.  It sounds crazy, but you can add in rice, quinoa, and even oats.
  • add ground flax seed, wheat germ, and other natural powders that are normally hard to choke down. They disappear in the smoothie.

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with this new addition.  My plan is to smoothie for breakfast and lunch and eat a normal healthy dinner.  I’ll keep you posted if this works out for me.  Ayurvedically, this would not be good for a Vata dosha.  A Pitta would thrive on this plan, but feel starving.  A Kapha would do well, but need to go more for the veggie smoothies than the fruit.

Om, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.