I’m waking up this morning in McCloud, California at the base of an active Volcano called Mount Shasta.  It’s know spiritually by the Native Americans as “Karuk” or white mountain and the home of creation, by metaphysical types for it’s electromagnetic field visible even from space, and by others to be the home of the Lemurians.  Lemurians are an ancient culture from a land now sunk that live in another dimension.

Interesting that Kundalini is the force of creation and white is the color of Kundalini.

Saint Germain is said to walk the foothills.   Here is from Wikipedia:  “Since according to Theosophy the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called “The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius”.

Pretty cool for a Kundalini Retreat?

I, once again, have no idea how I ended up here.  It’s like India all over again (you’ll have to go back to the February 2013 blogs).  Sometimes I just have an overriding call to action and I impulsively sign up for education.  This week I will be with Guru Dev studying Sat Nam Rasayan.  I gotta tell ya, even after dinner last night with two practitioners, I don’t exactly know what it is other than a healing modality that has profoundly changed my own life.  It means “to rise to oneself to the essence of True Identity.”  It’s a way to experience yoga in it’s most pure form, as a relationship between self and Self facilitated with another.

My experience has been that the practitioner goes into a meditative state while the student rests in Shavasana.  In this state, the energy bodies merge and the practitioner calls upon the Gurus, the Spirits, and the elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth to heal you.  It feels fantastic.  A practitioner learns to shift energies simply by showing up in a room.  This was my “ah-ha” moment yesterday when this thought came to me…

“Where two people engage with one another, there is God.  God is an energy of relationship.  That is yoga.”

Our days begin at 4 am with Sadhana and end at 9 pm.  I’m going to do my best to take you on this retreat with me and blog everyday.

As far as the spiritual world at Mount Shasta, my hotel was built in 1915 so I was scared of ghosts, but didn’t see any.  My dreams last night were mostly the water element and symbols.  Synchronistically, I am reading a book (highly recommend, “Daring Greatly” that talks about the process of “numbing” out with food, drugs, alcohol, TV, shopping, sex…etc…. and how that is common for adults who grew up in certain settings as children and suffer from anxiety.  It really struck a cord with me and I wonder if I’m not finally ready to deal with some of the deep seated traumas from childhood that really hold me back in the area of connection with others.

I’ve thought so many things of the way my mind works having grown up in that alcoholic family with a father so full of contradictions.  I’ve  never considered the I probably do suffer from anxiety and the rebellion of my early years was a form of depression.  Diving into the past, my entire childhood was anxious and full of me trying to be small, perfect, and invisible waiting for my volcanic father to erupt.  My teen years and early adult years were filled will an overriding feeling of isolation, disconnection, and the desire to no longer be part of this world.

I’d like to say I’m over all of that, but the deeper we go in the 21 Stages of Meditation, the more I see that 60% of my brain that is habit.  The practice is like a spot like on the dysfunction that simply must go if I am to realize my Sat Nam.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  It’s nice to have you with me in my heart.  Om, Pamela (Jeetprem Kaur this week….princess of God who conquers all through the divine consciousness of love).

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.