This week’s spiritual focus is frustration and I happen to have a big one.

Today frustration is presenting in the form of anger and irritation for me.  I’m personally frustrated with technology and specifically with the way we communicate using technology.  I’m a person who doesn’t like to email, doesn’t like to facebook, and doesn’t even like to talk on the phone if there is a problem.  I love breakfast, lunch, or tea as a means by which to work situations out.

I’m all alone in this.

Everyone is so busy that they make major decisions and change their life through email.  When I stroll down memory lane of studio ownership in the past 7 years, I can’t think of one time that a person has quit, redirected their energy, or otherwise removed themselves from my presence that it hasn’t been in the form of email regardless of if we were even in the habit of regularly seeing each other face to face.  It’s never good.  They are very emotional and making a big choice.  I tend to be very direct when writing with little emoting.  I blame my mercury in Aquarius.

So, I’m gonna go all business professional and yogi on you at the same time and possibly show my age a bit because I notice the 34 and under crowd has a different  (this is in italics because I’m still thinking it might be wiser and I’m not sure) work ethic:

It’s always better to communicate major life choices in person because:

  • Yogi:  You can read each others energy and become more heart centered and compassionate towards the other.
  • Business:  You see the person’s emotion vs. reasoning and it’s a chance to offer alternatives for the greater good.
  • Yogi:  It’s a chance to speak your truth…Sat Nam
  • Business:  It’s a chance to see the holes in the person’s logic and bring wisdom to the situation.
  • Yogi:  Ultimately, its an expression of hurting on one level or another and you can receive healing.
  • Business:  It’s a chance to see where your practices, policies, and procedures are either benefiting the greater good…and the person should go…or detrimental to the greater good…and therefore change.

NONE of this can be done on facebook, in email, or twitting…tweeting..whatever…I’m 44.

So Sat Nam.  This is my truth.  Om, Pamela



*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.