
Tomorrow morning I take off on a plane with my kids, my mom, my boyfriend, and his kids to connect with 16 other EOM yogis for our Telluride Yoga Festival getaway.  I’m presenting there the Elemental Lifestyle series as well as teaching Kundalini Yoga every morning to all the festival participants.  FESTIVAL>>>

I’m super excited for this opportunity and to have a “retreat” in a 10,000 square foot mountain home palace with all of my yogis!

It is going to be a bit of challenge to have so much energy coming my way for the week.  It’s a lot of socializing, talking, and of course presenting for me.  That’s a lot of Vata energy.  Not to mention any time you get on a plane to travel and change time zones, your Vata is going to go out of whack.

My plan to stay on track:

  • Double my does of triphala
  • Add Ashwagandha to my routine (settles the mind, promotes restful sleep)
  • Throw some “I sleep soundly” in my bag just in case (Valerian)
  • Packing my oil and will do a full oil massage morning and night as well as put drops of oil in my nose each night. (Dry air in the mountains causes nosebleeds)
  • Go to bed by 11 am and get up by 5 am.
  • Spend a couple hours each morning alone in meditation and working. (it’s vacation for everyone else, but I gotta work the whole week to practice my presentations, etc.)
  • Eat really healthy and yummy food that I let OTHERS cook and plan.
  • Go with the flow of everyone’s desires.  Control freak Pitta in me is gonna take a back seat.

My spiritual energy shifts from frustration to focus.  I’m soooooo glad.  It was more than a little frustrating wrapping up last week.  Focus is exactly what I need this week.  One pointed focus to do the work I need to get done, to connect with my family, to connect with my friends, to make new friends, and to really enjoy the moments of this awesome life event.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.