On this 120-day Cleanse I’ve been craving a few things that I do not normally eat.  The first one is dried apricots.  If you read my blog “explosion” you will see that there is a limit to dried apricot consumption.  Odd  that I still crave them after that day.  The other odd item for me is dates.  In ayurveda, we follow our cravings so I wanted to get to the bottom of this and this is what I discovered.




  1. There are 23 calories in just 1 date.
  2. .7 grams of fiber.
  3. Contains calcium, potassium (1 date has 167 mg. of potassium….4,700 mg is the daily dose recommendation), magnesium, vitamin A & folate.
  4. Used as a laxative.
  5. Enhances the flora and fauna in the intestines (good bacteria).


Potassium….I am craving potassium.  When you are deficient in potassium you may have an irregular heartbeat (yes), mood changes (yes), nausea (yes), and muscle weakness (not sure although I’ve been tired and wanting naps).  Potassium helps prevent high blood pressure.  It improves brain function.

It is recommended to eat a handful of dates everyday to get a boost of energy and your daily dose of potassium.  Do know that 1 banana has 466 mg. of potassium?  Compare that to one tiny date of 167 mg!  wowsie.  Dates are great.  Apricots are even higher in potassium.  Oddly, my “explosion” experience was actually a result of overconsumption of potassium that will make you have gas, bloating, and diarrhea.   Citrus fruits, beets, melons, and baked potatoes are also a wonderful source of potassium. White beans, kidney beans, great northern beans, and pinto beans are awesome.  Cooked greens, acorn squash, yogart, avacados, and mushrooms as well.

So the question is why would I be deficient in this amazing and readily available mineral?  Well, that’s easy.  I’ve given up juice for the Cleanse.  I’m not a big fruit eater.  I like some berries every day, but the thought of a banana that has been on a truck for 3,000 miles totally grosses me out.  Citrus fruit upsets my belly.  I have never really enjoyed melons.  (I’m kind of a picky eater.)  My golden retriever keeps eating my avacados, I’ve been relying solely on lentils for my beans.  I’ve been eating raw greens because it’s summer.  I hate yogurt, and I’ve been slightly confused about my mushroom intake since they are considered Tamasic or “dead” in Ayurveda.  So, I’m getting hardly any potassium and I was completely unaware!

if you are doing a long-term cleanse, it is very important to have nutritional checks and balances and adjust your process every two weeks or so.

So I’m going to work this week to incorporate all of these great items into my diet.

Recipe for a Date Shake that is so yummy and full of potassium:

  1. Boil one cup of whole milk with 4 – 6 dates.
  2. Blend all in a blender.
  3. You may or may not sieve any particles.
  4. Drink warm or cold.



*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.