Today turned into one of those days and I don’t know why.  Food is fine.   People were extremely helpful and kind.  I learned some stuff today that was really interesting including how AMAZING Patti Kessler is as a healer.  She did a demonstration and wowsie!  I could actually see the energy coming out of her hands and feel inside of me what she was doing to the other person.

….and here comes the “ah-ha.”

The person Patti was working on was feeling pulled in too many directions, not by bad stuff, but by good stuff.  Too many choices, too many opportunities, and too many decisions to make.  Patti used her True Heart Healing modality to shift this energy not just from the physical, but from the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual body in all dimensions.  It was awesome.  .  (cause I know you are gonna ask….Patti 513.240.1602.

I think all of this stirred some stuff up in me and that’s how may day took a nosedive.  A big chunk of this Cleanse is wrapping up what I have started, letting go of that which no longer serves,  and figuring out what I want to do when I grow up.  I have to tell you I don’t know.  This is what I know and I suggest if you are stuck in choice-making you join me in this exercise right now:

Write down what you know about your situation:

  • I love teaching yoga, speaking in public, and educating.  It’s a passion and doesn’t feel like work.
  • I love working for myself and not anyone else.
  • I love to write and communicate and want it to help people.
  • Owning two yoga studios is a labor of love, but there is little cash-flow in it.  It’s not a sustainable model to send kids to college unless something else can support it.
  • I’m spending too much time on the mundane aspects of management.  It’s interfering with the time I need to market, write, and connect.
  • My kids are fine and don’t need me to hover and be so available.

Write down what you don’t know:

duh….  I don’t know what I don’t know, right?  This is now your chance to let the Universe in.  It knows what you don’t know.  Remove yourself from the middle of the question.

I don’t know what other yoga teachers would want more stability, a more rich teaching schedule, and have the desire and the skills to manage more.  I don’t know what it would mean to be a contractor for a larger organization that is trying to bring health and wellness to their corporation and need a teacher and cheer leader.  I don’t know ….   You get the idea.  When you stop knowing, you start thinking for the non-obvious.  Now invite the Universe in.  Let it do its job.  Stop stressing.  Stop thinking.  Stop worrying.  Rest.




*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.