Let’s just say I have my stuff I’m working on too.  One of my biggest obstacles  is  that I’m moody.  This doesn’t bother me a bit, but it tends to make the folks around me crazy.  I blame it on my Pisces nature for the most part.  I’m highly aware of my moodiness and its effects, yet I have a very difficult time managing this energy.

Ever since I was a child I’ve been either really high or really low.  It’s extreme and almost as if I don’t know what the emotional “neutral” feels like.  As I’ve aged, it’s gotten a little better, but it is ever present in my life.  Some of it feels good.  The highest of highs includes massive amounts of creative energy and is fun.  The lowest of lows, however,  looks like pessimism and depression.

The only way I’ve ever learned to balance this energy is to spend lots of time alone.  Silence is golden.  All of the talking and communication that we do on a daily basis just wears me out.  I swear I need at least 3 hours a day to simply meditate, be in silence, and rest.  This happens maybe once a week and so my life spins out.  I’ve tried all my yogi tricks to balance this swinging energy…meditating, planning, saying no, and even running away to India for a month.  Still, the world just keeps coming.

Today I sat down with my Kundalini Teacher training manual.  Before I opened it I held my book tight to my heart and prayed to Yogi Bhajan (who btw is very very silent with me) for a remedy to the above dilemma. With eyes closed I randomly opened my book and let my finger fall where it may.   Now please keep in mind that this book is thick.  It includes yoga history, philosophy, anatomy, conduct, sanskrit, and a whole lot more.

My finger did not go to those topics, however, it fell exactly to this:

So my lovely student, at the will of my Master I teach you the greatest Divine key.  It has eight levers, and can open the lock of the time, which is also the vibration of eight.  Therefore, when this Mantra is sung this vibration opens the lock, and thus one becomes one with the Divine.” ~ Yogi Bhajan

The mantra is the Ashtang Mantra… Ek Ong Kar Sat Naam Siri Wahe Guru.  It liberates a person from the cycle of time and karma.  It charges the solar centers and the person becomes one with God.

So, I’m gonna give this one a go for an extended period of time.   Below is the “how to if you want to give it a go too with the Long Chant.  I’m going to do it in silence as I’d like a softer effect to the solar charge.


Thanks Yogi Bhajan.  Maybe you haven’t been so quiet…I’ve just been too noisy to hear.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.