When I teach the Elemental Cleanse, I’m always met with resistance when I advice yogis to eat more grains.  We are all convinced that grains are bad because they are carbohydrates and add to our waistline.  Not true.  In Ayurveda, it is recommended that about 50% of your diet come from whole grains.

This is not a green light to load up on pastas and breads.  Pasta is heavy, dense, and refined regardless of an organic label.  Bread is full of air bubbles and yeast and makes many yogis bloat.  Moderation on those two.  Depending on your dosha, some grains are better than others because they either heat & dry or cool & moisten the body.

  1. Amaranth (Kapha & Vata)
  2. Barley (Pitta & Kapha)
  3. Buckwheat (Kapha)
  4. Bulgar wheat (Vata & Pitta)
  5. Corn (Kapha)
  6. Couscous…actually a pasta.  (Vata & Pitta)
  7. Cracked wheat (Vata & Pitta)
  8. Millet (Kapha)
  9. Oats (Vata & Pitta & Kapha)
  10. Quinoa…this is really classified as an herb! (Kapha)
  11. Rice, white (Vata)
  12. Rice, basmati (Vata & Pitta…very small amounts for Kapha)…the finest rice in the world.
  13. Rice, brown (Vata)
  14. Rice, Wild (not really rice, but the seed from a grass that grows in water.) (Kapha & Vata)
  15. Rye (Kapha)
  16. Wheat (Vata & Pitta)


Think outside of the box when you think about grains.  Any of the above grains can make a fabulous breakfast simply by adding cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, dried fruit, and a little ghee.  If you are not familiar with a grain, simply purchase a cup of it from the bulk foods section of the grocery.  When you get it home, sit down with your computer and google a recipe with the name of your new grain and a few other items that you have in your fridge.  You will be pleased by what comes up.


Here is a yummy barley recipe and a barley drink!  Barley promotes weight loss.  This was my dinner last night and breakfast this morning.  Like I said, think outside of the box for breakfast.  it doesn’t have to be heavy, dense, and sweet.

Recipe for Barley Yum Yum

Spiritual work for today & all week:

Today I’m going to let myself get bored.  Pratyahara…withdrawing the senses.  btw…my insides are feeling like they are matching my outsides a little more.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.