So it’s only day 11 of this 120-day cleanse and the rebel in me (that’s the little red devil that sits on my right shoulder) is speaking very clearly in my ear.  It’s saying things like, “you can have just one, I mean….geez…it’s 120 days, give yourself a break, you didn’t even have a ramp up period, you just went straight into it, just skip it today….you’ll get back on track tomorrow.  You’ve been doing sooooooo goood…just a smalllll treat”

You know that guy.  He’s so loud. He seems to get louder and louder the closer and closer you are to your triggers.  A trigger is something that causes a craving for something that is probably not in your best interest.  Triggers are any situation, event, person, or experience that cause a craving related to your habit to arise.  In the early stages of healing from habits and addictions, it is very important to become aware of your triggers, avoid your triggers, and make a plan for when you are triggered.

Common triggers:
1.    People who share your habit.
2.    Places where you have enjoyed your habit.
3.    Social situations.
4.    Items associated with the use of your habit included the tools to use the habit, music, smells, and more.
5.    Physical and emotional stress.
•    Lack of routine for bedtime/get up time.
•    Fatigue
•    “Busyness”….too much running around and activity.
•    Lack of routine for physical exercise.
•    Lack of routine for eating 3 meals each day.
•    Emotions such as fear, anger, grief, loneliness, and even feeling unexpectedly good about yourself or being happy.

If you give in, make sure you get up the next day and flush your body with teas, vegetables, and fruits.  Get the “habit” quickly washed away and make a plan for when you are triggered.  You can’t avoid the whole world to avoid being triggered.  You can quiet the red guy down a little though.  When you mess up, let it go and get back on track.

Spiritually this speaks to judging parts of yourself as good and parts of yourself as bad.  It’s the inner conflict of ideas and desires as to how it should be rather than how it is that causes so much suffering.  It simply is.  Om, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.