So if you are following this then you know that I timed this Cleanse to coincide with the 21-stages of Meditation I’m leading on Tuesday nights where we spend a week at a time in each of the stages of meditation ending with God Realization.  Tonight is boredom and I’ve been thinking a lot about it.

Boredom has a lot to do with why I work so much.  You see, in this world there is a thing called duality…where there is good, there is also bad, where there is black, there is white, where there is up, there is down, where there is happiness, there is also sorrow and so on.  It is the cause of the suffering that we do in this world.  We only want to be happy so we run away from being sad.  We only want to be loved so we run away from hate.

So where does boredom fit in?  Boredom is the opposite side of achievement.  This is a big problem in our society of achievers.  We are taught to do more, accomplish more, and constantly learn and grow.  When we are still, be immediately become bored and it frightens us.  We use all kinds of distractions to avoid being bored.  We watch tv, go to the movies, drink, eat, have sex, smoke, shop, and even stir up a little drama in our life because we don’t want to face boredom.

If we do become bored, we might actually realize how far off our path we are.  We might realize that we are living someone else’s dream.  We might realize that we are sitting in the wrong house, with the wrong partner, and getting up every day going to the wrong job.

The problem with not getting bored is that we can’t tap into our creativity if we never stop.  The entire Universe was made when God realized he was bored and wanted something to do.  We are just like that.  Learning to sit in the boredom, re-energize, and then allow the juice of the Universe to flow is critical to not only our happiness, but staying on the path.

I’m going to spend the next week getting really bored.  I’m going to practice what is called Pratyahara or withdrawing the senses and I encourage you to do this with me whether you are Cleansing or not.  Basically, get quiet.  Turn the distractions off.  Turn the mouth off.  Don’t go anywhere.  Just be bored and see what happens.

btw…feeling better finally….today food was easy.  Amar fed me hummus and fresh veggies at painting class and I spent the rest of the day eating pineapple and papaya to get ready for tonight’s meditation.  Don’t ask me why.  It says to do it in the book.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.