My life has not been classically easy.  I’ve had many challenges to overcome and you can just scroll through my blog is you want to learn more about all that.  One aspect of my life, however, has truly been effortless and God has literally rained down upon me in the department of children.  My kids are easy and always have been.  They are kind, smart, responsible, gorgeous, and care about other people.  They don’t fight with me, fight with each other, or fight with others.  They are creative, dynamic, and leaders.

I’ve never had to worry about them too much, until now.  My son, age 16, is driving and has a girlfriend.  My daughter, almost 14, has hit that age when girls are mean and boys are fickle.  Daily it seems, I see their precious hearts get crushed by this inhuman humanity.  They are growing up and it’s time for them to make their own way in this world.  It’s killing me.

I can’t solve their problems anymore.  All I can do is hold space.  Lately I’ve been singing to myself the mother’s prayer.  I sing it so much I don’t even know I’m singing it.  It casts a web of light around a child.  I’m sharing it with you when you, as a parent, don’t know what else to do.  I hope it helps when you are in need.


Pootaa maataa kee aasees
O son (child), this is your mother’s blessing, hope, and prayer,

Nimakh na bisaro tumh ko har har sadaa bhajhu jagadees rehaao
May you never forget for even an instant the Lord God and ever remember the Universal Lord.

Satigur tumh ko hoe daeaalaa santasang teree preet
May the True Guru be kind to you, and may you love the society of saints.

Kaaparr pat parmaesar raakhee bhojan keertan neet
May the preservation of your honor by the Transcendent Lord be your clothing, and may the singing of his praises be as food to you.

Anmrit peevhu sadaa chir jeevhu har simrat anad anantaa
Drink the immortalizing Nectar that you may ever have long life, and contemplation of the Lord give you infinite delight.

Rang tamaasaa pooran aasaa kabeh na biaapai chintaa
May joy and playful pleasure be yours, may your hopes be fulfilled, and worries never trouble you.

Bhavar tumhaaraa ehu man hovo har charnaa hohu koulaa
Let your mind be the bumble bee, and the Lord’s feet be the lotus flower.

Naanak daas oun sang lapattaaiou jio boondeh chaatrik moulaa
Says servant Nanak, attach your mind to them, and blossom forth like the song-bird, upon finding the rain-drop.”

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.