
Constipation is caused by elevated Vata Dosha or The Wind.  You can imagine Vata (Wind) is drying.  When Vata becomes deranged,  too much dryness in the system stopping the movement and making elimination very hard and irregular.

If you are Vata Dosha, you are pre-disposed to suffering from constipation.  In fact, many Vatas manage constipation on a daily basis.  (Take the quiz to find your dosha.)  Derangement of Vata is not limited to those who are Vata Dosha.  Everyone suffers when we travel, have surgery, have our routines interrupted, or are dehydrated.

To remedy constipation ground the energies of the body by embracing the following:

  • At bedtime, place a glass of water on your night table.  In the morning, drink it.  Go to the bathroom and intend to eliminate.  It will take time to train your body the appropriate time to eliminate.
  • Take a daily dose of Triphala.  I suggest one in  the morning and one at night.  Triphala is a very mild laxative and perfect for neutralizing Vata dosha.  If you are a Vata, this would be part of your daily routine for life.  Triphala
  • Take a daily does of oil.  Drink it.  Place one tablespoon of flax or sesame oil in a small cup, add a little orange juice or apple juice to make it more palatable. Do know that if you are Vata Dosha, you are encouraged to cook with sesame oil as well as use it daily for a full body massage. Sesame Oil
  • Take a daily does of ghee.  Boil milk and add a teaspoon of ghee to the concoction before bedtime.  It will help you sleep better too.  You might not realize it, but constipation actually leads to insomnia.  Start to notice the correlation.  Ghee
  • Stabilize your intake of food.  Food is cooked, warm, and nourishing.  I suggest “one pot” meals like stews and casseroles.  Do skip meat and raw foods including salad until your situation passes.  You are to eat three meals each day around the same time.
  • If you are totally miserable, drink a cup of Senna tea.  Do not become reliant on Senna tea.  Castor Oil is also a great immediate relief alternative.  Vata’s are strongly discouraged to develop a habit of using enemas and laxatives.  They work short term and ultimately aggravate your situation even more creating a life dependent upon laxatives.  Give your body time to adjust and come off of laxatives if this is already your situation.
  • Add spices to your hot teas and your food.  Ginger is the number one favorite.  Cloves, Peppercorns, and Cinnamon are also stimulating your digestion and taste great in tea.  Boil water, add all the spices and then strain.  Make a big batch and drink 2 – 3 cups each day.
  • From a routine perspective, are you running around excessively, lacking routine, and talking to much?  Quiet your life down.  Embrace gentle yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and solitude.  Give yourself a chance to relax.

If constipation is a problem for you or any digestive distress, you may consider participating in The Elemental Cleanse.   The Elemental Cleanse is designed to ignite your digestive fire and solve your digestive troubles.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.