Pluto is conjunct the USA natal Pluto on December 28, 2022.  Pluto has a 248 year orbit which means it takes 246 – 248 years for the transiting Pluto to return to the native chart.  Do know Pluto has both a stable and unstable orbit due to proximity with Neptune so the length of orbit can vary.

History of recent interactions with Pluto and effects due to placement in the second house of values and material possessions:

2012:  Pluto aspects 2nd house cusp and our value system and financial standing begin the process of transformational change.  Pluto is the God of Hell and demands we transform or we will be destroyed.  Pluto rules the 8th house which sits opposite the 2nd house giving this placement in the USA’s chart even more financial power as this Scorpio ruled 8th house represents other peoples money, the things we don’t talk about openly as well as sexuality.

The USA was “born” on 7/4/1776.  Adding 246 to that we land in 2022/2023.   While this is the first Pluto return for the USA and we don’t have any historical events to aid in possible predictions for the USA, we have seen other countries experience their Pluto return.  For example, the UK has survived three.  The first brought famine, the second brought a golden era and the third brought a reformation of government.

2017 (peak 4/17) THIS SET THE TONE THROUGH DECEMBER 2022 with energy shifting in March o 2023 when Pluto visit Aquarius for first time. Pay attention to solutions.

  • Donald Trump becomes president:  Civility ends and the great divide in societal value systems begins to reveal.
  • Woman’s March on Washington:  Women’s issues become highlighted.  Narcissism and Mysogany are revealed to be deeply imbedded in culture.  #MeToo movement and later in year Harvey Weinstein’s abuse is revealed as well as the nature of Holleywood.
  • Russian interference in the election is revealed.  Donald Trump is later impeached.
  • Relationship with N. Korea becomes increasingly compromised as they develop Nuclear capability and the Trump administration’s lack of diplomacy and civility pour fire on the situation.
  • Mass shooting in Las Vegas killing 59 and gun control  AGAIN comes to the forefront further dividing Americans on policy.  (This ends up a huge year world wide for mass shootings)
  • Opioid crisis (ongoing) is brought to mass consciousness.
  • Three major hurricanes bringing climate change to mass consciousness.
  • Interesting to note the USA experienced a TOTAL lunar eclipse which was seen all across the country.  Eclipses are most powerful where seen.  The eclipse path literally divided the nation.
  • White supremacy comes back in style with non stop rhetoric agains all POC, immigrants and the LTGB community.   Violence, protests and the national dialogue increase.

2/20/20 (interacting with Saturn and Uranus to bring the Pandemic). Massive financial fallout and the nation further divides over masks and vaccines.  The news and the government prove unreliable.

Into 2021:  Mass division due to presidential election and Covid policies. Joe Biden wins the election.  January 6th insurrection…only the 2nd time in the USA’s history to have an attack on the Capital.  Space race heats up.  Billionaire status highlighting disparity between 10% and the rest.   Withdrawal from Afghanistan with Taliban immediately taking over.  USA’s power questioned.

2/21/22 (coming to head):  Black colleges are targeted with bomb threats.  Trumps mishandling of documents begins to be investigated. Unvaccinated military are discharged from service. Russia invasion of Ukraine. Inflation. Recession discussion.

7/12/22 (coming to head). Inflation.  Recession discussion.  Monkeypox

12/28/22:  PREDICTING….   no denial we are in recession.  Liberal mindset is growing.  Republican party to split.  Support of USA from other countries continues to decline as economic policies benefit USA and harm others. Increase in weather related events through 1/24/23.  Through January 24th, Mars is slowing at 9 degrees to settle at 8 degrees conjunct the USA’s Uranus before turning direct again.

Embracing the Possibility!  That is the mantra as we head into 2023 and what is expected to be the year we set the stage for a new way of being.  Enjoy!


Astrology Pluto return USA

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.