The full moon arrives Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 at 11:18 PM for EST.  For tropical western astrology it is in the sign of Gemini at 16 degrees and is conjunct the planet Mars in retrograde.  As you analyze the impact of this full moon, do remember that Mars entered Gemini on August 21st, 2022 and will remain in Gemini through March 25th, 2023.  This is an odd occurance for Mars to be in a sign for 8 months. If you are a Gemini, this is a very big deal and this Full Moon will be impacting you greatly.  All planets in your chart in mutable signs within 6 degrees (10 degrees to 22 degrees) are also strongly affected or in need of an adjustment.  Do remember the mutable signs are all signs easily changed or more flowing; Gemini/Sagittarius and Pisces/Virgo.

Also note Mars is still squaring Neptune in Pisces within 6 degree so the themes of Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces are highlighted as well.


The Moon is conjunct Mars.  When two planets join, it adds power to the applying planet, or the Moon in this case.  Mars is in retrograde which means it appears to be moving backwards in the sky from the earth’s perspective.  Planets in retrograde are always a bit confused and revisiting the past.  Mars in Gemini is asking for you to refine your personal communication (for 8 months).  The moon is the past, your home and your emotional nature.  The duplicity of Gemini may have you feeling contradictory emotions, revisiting the past or adjusting the home and Mars would have you acting without clarity.  Mars can be abrupt, impulsive, violent and self-focused.

For the collective, it can cause angry and impulsive outbursts that are reckless.  An example would be the current uprising in Iran where young people and even children are protesting with little care to the consequences.  With Mars activated in a square to Neptune (the planet of confusion), it is not clear the directive is correct.  Neptune rules the water and the 12th house so think about energy or vibration as well and how that swells in a crowd.

Do remember as you personally receive this energy you may be impulsively acting out of confusion or perhaps clarity is gained from the past, but acting before thoroughly digesting new information would be incorrect.  Any communication received through meditation or dream is authentic at this time.

Secrets will continue to be revealed.  When you think of Gemini, think of the twins.  You have both angel and demon within you and we often hide the demon or the shadow.  It’s time to give grace to the shadow because others can now see it.  Perhaps consider “demon” and even “angel” is a societal judgment or construct.  What blessings can your shadow reveal?

Venus (Sagittarius) /Mercury (Capricorn) are squaring Jupiter (Pisces).  Note that Mercury changes sign on the 6th so this is “grow up” energy.  Jupiter happens to be at a critical degree of 29.  It moves to Aries on 12/21 which is Solstice.  A planet at 29 is trying very hard to get its last bit of expression out.  So Jupiter in Pisces is an expansion on a philosophical and spiritual levels.  You have found your belief system challenged and this is a final attempt for you to change.  All beliefs are truly limited by personal experience so the Universe gives you mass events to wake you up in an undeniable way.  With the square to Venus which is money and values as well as Mercury which is how we communicate and think, I predict we will start to see the effects of recession and poor news coming from the financial markets.

Currently as I write this we have seen record online sales for both Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  This is a last hurray feeling as folks subconsciously realize this may be their last big Christmas for awhile.  It the energy of “you can’t take it with you.”  Of course this is exactly what we should not be doing, but the full moon wants what it wants and is a confused state acting impulsively and utilizing short term thinking.  Saturn which is finances is in a nice trine to this full moon adding to the justification for spending.  It’s actually a great time to change your portfolio strategy and pay off debt.

Pluto is opposed Black Moon Lilith.  Pluto is the God of Hell and Lilith is the wife original wife of Adam cast out for her sexual nature.  It should also be noted her children were killed after she was cast out.  It’s the energy of the term “slut” or the shamed female empowerment.  If you are following the Belenciaga story, it is very much this energy.  On a personal level you might be questioning your deep sexual desires and fantasies.  You may be coming to terms with inappropriate desires.  We may see scandalous break ups.

Uranus continues to conjunct the nodes.  Yes this is the changing financial markets and changes to the earth which will continue as the old paradigm gives way to the new.


This full moon is conjunct the natal Mars of the USA in the 7th house of relationships.  Because of this and because of Mars positioning in Gemini through March of 2023, I do not see a resolution with Ukraine/Russia.  The full moon is trining (ease) the Saturn of the USA.  This is the positive news you are seeing in the financial markets.  Today I think the fed will announce lower than expected rate increases, but we are robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Expect a decline in the future.  On December 30th, 2022 Pluto with conjunct the natal Pluto of the USA for the final time.  That should be the beginning of a big adjustment.

If you would like a reading of your personal astrology chart, contact Pamela at

You can learn more about Pamela’s readings here.


  • Neptune turns direct on 12/5/22
  • Mercury retrograde 12/30/22
  • Mars turns direct on 1/13/23
  • Uranus turns direct on 1/24/23.  SO ON THIS DAY ALL PLANETS ARE DIRECT!!!

USA Natal chart

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.