The Gurus of yoga teach there are 4 ages or cycles the world goes through before it combusts and begins again.  These ages repeat to infinity.  If these ages have always been and we are sitting on the world, then obviously the world isn’t going to literally implode AND mother nature will do her thing and cleanse the planet at the end of the final age.

We are in that final age called Kali Yuga where everything becomes more and more terrible.  Once the Great Mother can no longer stand it, the world will be cleansed of accumulated filth and then the next age begins which is an age of immense peace and beauty. This age is Satya Yuga.  Please don’t get excited. We are nowhere near the end of Kali Yuga and nowhere near the next age.  You won’t see it in this incarnation.

You can be excited about is this new knowledge and how to apply it to your spiritual practice.  Yoga, practiced correctly, is a spiritual practice and includes how to conduct yourself as well as breathing, moving and meditation.  Currently, yoga has been defiled and is no longer taught correctly having fallen just like all religious practices have fallen into decay.  Yoga and humans have devolved greatly in the past few thousand years.  There was a time when everyone could remember everything spoken.  Now everything has to be written down and you still can’t remember it.  There was a time when man lived harmoniously with nature and now it is nearly destroyed.  There was a time with community,  of coupling, and  of cherishing of others and now each person lives for themselves.

Yogis today are far from connection with the Devas or Dieties.  These are the Sattvic or pure entities supporting a spiritual practice.  Yogis are more like Suras which have the potential to go to great heights, but will always fail because they become self centered and tiresome.  A Sura is most tamasic or dark.  To discern between the two as Vimalananda explains; if a Deva sees an animal they will enjoy it’s beauty and enjoy watching it live it’s life.  If a Sura sees an animal they will want to control it, kill it, or eat it.  It’s not hopeless.  As a Sura you can learn to control yourself.  You can cultivate compassion.  You can embrace a practice of giving.

Yoga is currently taught backwards.  When the Sage Patajali devised the 8 limbs of yoga, they were correct for the time.  Now they are incorrect and should be practiced in a disciplined order.  The first and most important practice is Samadhi.  That’s the realization of eternal bliss.  Of course you must learn how to control your thoughts, apply one pointed focus and practice to allow Samadhi to arise through meditation and this must be your primary practice.  Currently there is an unbalanced focus on Asana (postures).  I’d argue the practice is only on that.  Pranayama isn’t even correct for this age unless it is balanced breathing.  The aggressive practices performed, especially breath retention and breath of fire, only serve to elevate the already scattered nature of the human focus.

There is a better way, but you have to be able to see the imbalance created in you by your practice.  If you have been in the yoga industry very long, it is easy to see.  Are you dealing with the same problems you have been dealing with for years? Do you think of yourself more than others?  Do you lie, cheat, or steal?  Are you impatient? As a yogi you must be very judgmental towards yourself and not very judgmental towards others.

So, why are you bothering to continue to do the same practices if they are creating the same results; diminished results?  Why not utilize your time in self care to truly evolve?


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.