So today was my first day teaching yoga post Covid and the first full class I have actually experienced since contracting Covid.  Technically, I am all better and today is day 16 of my first symptoms.  And I still don’t have my strength back finding I tire easily.  While there are no more aches, pains, coughing, and fever, I am left with a feeling of cotton candy in my lungs and the sense of fluid on my heart.  It’s this feeling more than anything making me tire so easily.

I was a bit worried I wouldn’t be able to teach a good class.  Talking and teaching is challenging even when perfectly healthy.  What I discovered was I am still quite strong and my body was simply dying for a yoga practice. I felt my spine grow at least 2 inches during practice and my throat chakra spin open.  My subtle body lit up and it felt so good to move with that energy through sun salutations.  The Mason Sanctuary has that magical mystical energy making it so easy to connect.  I also felt the power of the poses to flush the lymphatic system.

45 minutes into practice I felt the accumulation of ama (toxicity) dump from the lymph into the blood stream.  Class ended with me feeling incredibly tired with a slight headache and a knowingness I had done my body a huge favor.  Yoga is the most intelligent way to move and heal.  Stepping away and then back is a powerful way to realize this.

What are you doing?

So I know you aren’t in the studio because I’m there and you aren’t.  What are you doing?  Understandable if you have moved online or are off to another studio, but I don’t think you are.  I think you just quit.  Maybe you are anxious or getting depressed making it hard to move.  Maybe you are overwhelmed with fear of Covid.  I think about this daily.  It just seems to me the best thing anyone could do right now is eat super healthy, spend time in nature, meditate and practice yoga.  Either we get a vaccine or sooner or later we are all going to be infected by this virus.  Being in the best shape possible both physically and mentally will get you through it.

A student today was talking about her return to the studio.  She simply said she realized how depressed she was getting.  Isolation, boredom and inactivity will do that to you.  Plan to come this weekend.  Jodi teaches at 9:30 on Saturday and it is a beautiful class.  Or maybe just come visit us on Friday from 11 – 3 when Xanthia of Mystic Earth and I have our open house.  Come visit.  Say hi.



*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.