Asato ma sat gamaya.. Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya.. Mrityor ma amritam gamaya

Lead me from the unreal to the Real.  Lead me from darkness to Light.  Lead me from death to immortality


Kundalini will arise after long practice and a complete integration of the following:

Pleasure is a by-product of living.  If you are a pleasure seeker you will have a weak mind.

Humans have a demonic nature and an angelic nature.  Conquer your demonic nature.

You are made of words.

There is no pursuit greater than controlling the mind.  THERE IS NO PURSUIT GREATER THAN CONTROLLING THE MIND.  Read that until you understand.

You will always have a desires.  You will learn not to be controlled by them.  Instead, you will seek your bliss nature or “Sat Chit Ananda.”

The practice of yoga is to cultivate one pointed focus on anything of your choosing.  This is the practice of meditation.   Yogis concentrate on mantra, form & breath.  There is a right meditation for each human walking the planet and they are not all the same. When one pointed focus is obtained, you will know bliss or Sat Chit Ananda.

Thoughts arise making the practice difficult.  These thoughts include thoughts of the past, irritation with the present moment, and fears of the future.  You must cultivate a relationship with the divine (God) and feel comfortable asking for help in removing these obstacles.  There are many sutras given to heal the fabric of consciousness and to wipe the mind clean of these obstacles.

A person with weak will or a person who does not believe in their ultimate success will fail.  A disciplined practice overcomes these obstales.

The only reason you suffer is because of your mind.  There are no external people, events, or circumstances causing you to suffer.  Only you can choose to suffer.

You must accept the current circumstances of your life and accept your responsibility in creating them.  Your thoughts, words, and deeds have created the circumstances of your life.

You have a moral code of conduct and you must follow it.  This is called the 8 Limbs of Yoga.

(1) The five yamas, personal practices, relating to society

  • Ahimsa: nonviolence
  • Satya: truthfulness
  • Asteya: non-stealing
  • Brahmacharya: non-excess (often interpreted as celibacy)
  • Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-greed.

( 2) The five niyamas, personal practices that relate to our inner world, include

  • Saucha: purity
  • Santosha: contentment
  • Tapas: self-discipline, training your senses
  • Svadhyaya: self-study, inner exploration
  • Ishvara Pranidhana: surrender

( 3) Asana, postures

(4) Pranayama, breath

(5) Pratyahara, withdrawal of the senses

(6) Dharana, (7) Dhyana, ( 8) Samadhi all aspects of one pointed focus and meditation

You must understand and implement a grading system for all thoughts, words, and deeds.  This includes all sensory inputs.  Your senses are smell, taste, touch, sight and sound.

The lowest of emotions are:  Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth.  Fear is the foundation of the lowest of emotions.

These lowest of emotions arise from the sediment of the mind.  The mind is pure until we take in through our senses smells, tastes, touch, sights, and sounds of a Tamasic (black) or Rajistic (red) nature.  The yogis seeks a Sattvic (white) or pure experience.

A Sattvic (white) experience controls the lowest of emotions and they do not arise.  You will act without your own will according to the energies arising within you.

Sattvic food is required to cultivate a pure mind.  The yogi follows a sattvic diet exclusively:  Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Beans, Nuts, Seeds & Oils.  The highest quality of dairy where the milk is freely given from the mother after feeding her offspring is encouraged.  Ghee (clarified butter) and honey is encouraged.

Tamasic food is a destroyer of the body and mind.  The yogi avoids tamasic food perfectly:  meat including fish, excessive onions, excessive garlic, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables not perfectly ripe or overripe, stale foods, white sugar, excessive caffeine and alcohol.

You must change your nature.  Your nature will change as you consistently choose a Sattvic lifestyle.  THIS IS THE BIGGEST SECRET.

A Sattvic lifestyle includes eating sattvic foods, rising at Amla Vela (before the sun) for rituals and practices and working for the benefit of others.  Seek out good in all beings and in the world.

Rituals and practices include mantra, pranayama, meditation and movement. ?‍♀️

A Sattvic person learns devotion and becomes attached to happiness and knowledge.  This too will be transcended through daily devotion to the Divine.

Seek a teacher.

Ultimate realization is “Tat Tvam Asi” or though art that.  You and the Divine are ONE.

Karma is real.  All actions are to be contemplated prior to taking place.  Cultivate the ability to see the results of your actions.

Yoga means “relationship.”  Your relationships are a reflection of your state of mind.  Your state of mind arises based on your choices that are Sattvic, Rajistic, or Tamasic.

Constant monitoring of thoughts is necessary and the ability to shift the thoughts is critical.  (Eck Ong Kar Sat Gur Prassad).  When noticing a thought ask yourself “Is this thought useful, sattvic, leading me to dharma or the Divine?”

Create your avatar and hold that thought to shift your mind.  Your avatar is your perfect picture of your self and life.

Find a FORM which represents the Divine and hold that form in your third eye center.  Train your mind to operate from that center.

Every day pray for more uncertainty than the day before.

See through the eyes of compassion or you will misunderstand the times.

The other person is you.

When the pressure is on, begin.

You are not your mind.  Cultivate the ability to witness your life as if watching a movie.  Detach from problems and emotional swings.

Do not react negatively when things end, rejoice in the happening.


Yogis enjoy their mind.  Instead of entertaining low emotions or thoughts, yogis think of philosophy, nature, others and the Divine.

OM is the highest vibration and mantra

Yogis engage in dream yoga to control the subconscious mind.  Meditation cleanses the sediment of the mind.  Humans are half demon and half angel.  Yogis balance the duality to create a harmonious relationship with the inner nature.

When your mind is at its lowest and darkest, find your teacher.  Read the works of Masters and Saints.

Practice Constantly.


The questions asked of the Divine before meditation begins:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want?
  • How can I help & Serve?




*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.