Today in Guatemala at the Kula Collective Yoga Teacher Training we had a guest come in to talk about Ayurveda.  You know I love to study Ayurveda.  One thing odd to me in the past few years is that I believe my nature is changing.  Now this is not possible.  You are born a dosha and that’s that.  Yet when I take quizzes now and talk to Ayurvedic practioners I appear more and more Pitta and less and less Vata Pitta.  But how so?

Well tonight I got the answer.  Trauma as a child influences your nature.  It’s like you are a tree growing straight and tall and then there is a big wind for a very long period of time and the tree grows in a different direction and then the wind stops and the tree grows up again.

So as you heal from trauma you return to your true nature.

I just find that fascinating and I’ve booked an Ayurvedic Consultation and Massage for Monday when everyone else is tripping on cactus juice.  This teacher called Vata the “Queen.”…you know how I always say she leads the way.  He called Agni (digestive fire) Caesar.  And he said undigested food creates ama (you know ama ick), but undigested thoughts create trauma.  Very clever and I’m stealing that!

All in all it was a good day.  We are starting to learn stuff.  Today was the knees and a nice review of the Yoga Sutras.  I’m enjoying the yoga immensely although it is quite difficult and I am limited a bit.  I’m rethinking the poses and where they initial from. For example if you put your arms up in a “T” you probably initiated the movement from the shoulders.  WRONG.  You really initiated from the center of the chest.  Now try it….

I wish you were here with me.  It’s raining cats and dogs and there is so much humor to be found in running back to your little cabin in the black of night and the downpour of rain on the edge of a cliff.  Not to mention I have a pet spider now.  We’ve had a long talk and he agrees to stay on his side of the cabin and me on mine.  This dude is fast.


There are no napkins when we eat, but there is a kittie ? named Isis.  So I feed her eggs and she sits by me and I use her as a napkin.

Every morning you must order your coffee which costs $1.50.  The ladies in the kitchen are absolutely paranoid you will not log on the payment sheet the coffee.  I just want to write down “30” and be done with it.

The yoga mats are disgusting.  I wish I’d brought mine.  Today there was no mat spray in the Shiva Shaka.  I seriously don’t know how I got through the practice with the smell of feet.  After class we eat.  I always wash my hands before, but I have noticed others are not. And then we hold hands to bless the food and then we share the serving utensils.  I know we are diving into the underworld this week and I’m supposed to be triggered, but ugh.

I can’t tell if I’m losing weight.  I should be.  My only bad habit now is that one micro cup of coffee.  Oh and they fed us 2 cups of Cocoa in 2 separate ceremonies.  That’s like hot chocolate.  I’m living on grains, veggies, and lentils just like a yogi is supposed to.  I did add salad and fruit too which I will give up tomorrow as it is day 7 and I gotta kick my cleanse up a notch.  I’m dying for a fizzy pop.  There are no mirrors here so I seriously have no idea if I look like I’m losing weight and I only brought baggy comfy clothes which are just getting more baggy because I have to wash them in the shower.

We had a big circle last night which was really a complaining session. Topics included dirty compost toilets (I didn’t bring it up I swear) and the endless noise of the other groups, the town below and the construction (see…I didn’t even mention to you the construction…it doesn’t bug me).  Anyhoo….apparently in the underworld which we are in this week anything bugging us is really something terribly wrong with us.  What the hell does my disdain for dirty toilets and chaos say about me??? I need to know.  Please answer. 

Yesterday (and today) we had to do spontaneous dance.  I know you guys like that.  I hate it.  I like yoga.  Yoga is a beautiful container to be creative in.  I don’t find any pleasure in just flapping my body randomly.  So when we are done we had to go around the room and talk about the xperience and I simply shared the above….I hate it.  I got labeled non creative and right brained.  I take offense.  And this is after the Mayan Astrologer labeled me Stable Knowledge.  Geez oh Pete.

The hair on my legs is getting long.  I’d shave but the showers are cold and I don’t like to shave goosebumps.  Taking a shower is a process. First you wet your hair with body out and then jump out and wash hair.  Then you rinse.  Now you are acclimated so you can jump your body in and out and run to the sunny side of the shower to scrub.  Then you can jump in to rinse. Forget the conditioner.  It won’t wash out anyway because the shower is just a drizzle.

My every other day pooping plan is working well.  They’ve encouraged us to pee outside so I can avoid the toilet every other day.  I brush my teeth and spit in the woods now.

I’m sleeping great.  It’s freezing cold at night because of the rain.  It’s supposed to be dry season…climate change.  So I snuggle under all the blankets and put my winter coat and wool wrap over me too.  Zzzzzzz.

Last night I watched 10 minutes of Tic Tok.  I laughed hysterically until I had to pee.  I think I needed to see normal humans acting like humans.  Yogis can be intense to hang with.  Lots of processing.

Oh!  And I’ve made an entire strategy outline for a 300 RYT for Elemental OM.  I could take you away or we could do it in town.  What do you want?


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.