I do believe today to be Wednesday.  Yesterday was the full moon of November 12th and apparently the number 12 means a lot to the Mayans.  I somehow spaced out so I don’t remember what.  What I did remember of yesterday was a wonderful yoga practice where I was helped into Trikonasana by one of out leaders and I felt like I was balanced on the edge of the world praying she wouldn’t let go.  She did and I didn’t fall.  It was exhilarating and I had a little glimmer of why I have loved yoga so much.  I’m hoping this TT will renew my eroded love of asana.  My shoulder is feeling better and today I was able to do eagle arms.

Yesterday we had a ceremony with a Mayan Astrologer to celebrate the full moon.  He arranged us in a circle around a fire in order of our Mayan birthdays.  I got to sit to his right because my birthday was first.  AND GUESS WHAT???  Yesterday was my birthday according to the Mayan calendar.  We drank Cacao which is considered a plant medicine.  It’s basically like hot chocolate.  It’s supposed to send you on a journey.  If you give me sugar you are guaranteed I will go on a journey so it was a great success.  He went around the circle and told each of us many things.  My birthday is 4 Naj.  That stands for Stable Knowledge.  He cautioned me to let go of all the past and make a great plan for the future.  He said a lot of other stuff too and it really did resonate.  This past year has been a slow letting go of stuff culminating in closing Symmes Studio.  My intention for this trip is to strategize the future of EOM both from a business and spiritual perspective.  He said prayers for each of us and mine was to have happy memories of the past and good intentions for the future.  I did take time to look through all the photos on my phone since 12/15 which does hit some painful moments.  Doing Ninja mind war to remember the good stuff and rewrite the bad.

I know that sounds pretty vague and I admit that mine was (sort of), but he nailed it for each person. It was actually quite beautiful and very moving.  I was exhausted after either from sugar buzz, smoke, or the spiritual movement of the underworld.

TODAY WE HAD AN EARTHQUAKE…okay…just a volcano tremor but the entire yoga shall shook. It was very cool.

It was a long day of 8 hours of sitting on the floor listening to people talk.  I did learn something interesting about the shoulders so that was good.  Oh and we did Thai Yoga massage so that was nice.  I mostly can’t remember today.

OHHHH. I remember!!!

So on Friday morning we get a 1/2 day and they have arranged for the same Shamans who are going to give everyone the Mesculine cactus juice to trip are coming with lemongrass tea to make everyone purge. Basically you drink it until you throw up.  They said it was akin to the Ayurvedic practice of drinking salt water until you vomit.  I personally hate to vomit and hate to be around people vomiting so I’m not going to participate.  Also I have been coughing so much and so hard that my Uterus is slightly prolapsed and vomiting would make that much worse.  It’s about 5 intensive days of Bhanda work to get that Uterus firm again.

Anyhow, they needed a head count for both that and the Mesculine trip and 12 of the 14 are going.  I’m glad I’m not going because the other young woman staying behind is battling an eating disorder.  I’m just thinking out loud here…but I can only imagine the talk of “purging” and “vomiting” etc. would be a trigger.  Not to mention having this “Kula” be part of a group thing is a lot of peer pressure.  It took a lot on my part to say no and I think my success is only attributed to my age.  I wish they had planned 2 activities for our day off.  Like one could have been go take drugs and vomit and the other could have been go into town and learn how to weave a basket….  something like that.  It sucks to feel left out.

BUT that having been said, we are traveling through the 3 realms and we are in the “under” realm right now where all your shit comes up.  I do have a problem feeling left out and not part of anything.  It’s a theme.  So I guess my “medicine” is to feel left out and not part of anything.  Yea I don’t really get that either.   BUT I don’t really feel left out, I feel like the Charlie Chaplin quote.  It goes something like “I wouldn’t join any club that would have me.”

I wish I had more to share with you about yoga stuff, but I only really learned the shoulder thing today.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.