About 100 years ago we entered into a 200 year transition to Dwapara Yuga.  This time period will last about 2,000 years and truth and compassion must prevail.  If you are living under a rock you may not realize the great divide taking place this week in Cincinnati with the actions of MAGA wearing boys from a Kentucky Catholic school so I need not go into all the details.

What you can observe is the intense search for “truth” and the internal/external battle taking place to find compassion for all sides of the situation.  Compassion is a practice and yogis train to act in opposite to dark thoughts.  Yogis do have dark thoughts, opinions, and a call to action to teach right and wrong.

Right and wrong is not really that hard to discern.  In fact, it is very clearly laid out what is “right” and what is “wrong” which I will list below.  The bigger question is why choose “right” over “wrong”?  The answer is for your own spiritual evolution and to take your life in the direction of God and not away from God.  And why  might you want to do that?  Well, it is going to make you happy and it will create a joyful life.

What is right and wrong according to the teachings of yoga?

According to the teachings of yoga there are three possible energies that arise through a human and animate a human’s mind and body.  These energies arise through us by what we are taking in through our senses and depending upon the quality of what we are taking in through our senses, a specific personality type arises.  You can become very dark.  You can become very heated.  You can become very light.  The ultimate goal is liberation from all three of these energies, but liberation happens as you lean to the light.  These energies are called the “gunas”.

WRONG:  The lowest energy of Tamas creates a person who is dull and dark.  Tamasic energy arises from eating meat, processed foods, sugar, and excessive amounts of alcohol or caffeine.  A person smoking pot and taking drugs is creating dark energy.  Being lethargic, not exercising, watching too much TV, being negative, living in a dirty or cluttered environment also contribute to  dark energy arising.

Dr. David Frawley defines a TAMASIC or Dark personality as follows and do keep in mind you are creating this with your personal choices:

Ignorant, Unintelligent, Lethargic, Selfish, Unclean body and mind, Depressed, Fearful, Vengeful, Believes blindly, Commits crimes against their own intelligence meaning they know something is harmful like taking drugs and continues to do it,  and Apathetic

WRONG:  The middle energy is Rajas and it creates a person who is heated and forceful.  They are much happier than tamasic people but always running into problems.  Rajastic energy arises also from eating meat, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.  A person who is stuck in seeking pleasure or mired in pain becomes rajastic.  An chaotic environment and an overactive life…tasking…also creates Rajas.

A RAJISTIC  or heated personality is defined as follows:

Forces knowledge or will, Average intellect, Focused on Status and wealth accumulation, selfish, and takes advantage of others, Agitated in body, mind and speech, Rude, Angry, Cruel, Greedy, Questions God, Must be convinced to follow health advice. Overreacts to pleasure & pain

RIGHT:  The highest energy or vibration is sattvic and it creates a peaceful, truthful, and compassionate person who is happy.  A sattvic person embraces daily movement, meditation, and right diet of real food to advance mental clarity.

 A SATTVIC or pure personality is defined as follows:

Promotes knowledge, Very intelligent, No strong desires, Accepts status in life., Unselfish, giving, Cultivates purity in body, mind and speech, Polite, Joyful, Sparkles, Calm, Quiet, Believes in God, Health conscious, Reacts to pleasure and pain appropriately.

I urge you to step back for a bit and think about all those conversations you are having in your home and on Social Media with dark or heated people.  Do you think they can hear you?  Do you think they want to hear you?  If you are more Sattvic you are threatening the very way they live and shining your light on them they are wrong.  No one likes be wrong.  Still, you have a call to action to share knowledge and educate.  In fact, we are all called to be warriors right now and share a better way of living compassionately and truthfully.  It is not enough right now to simply live your own life and let your light shine.

Kriyananda says this…. There are times when higher principles demand engagement in righteous war. One has to do harm to prevent the perpetuation of still greater harm.  To inflict one’s beliefs on others is wrong, but to prevent others from inflicting their beliefs on others (even by violence) is right.

Everything in the world is relative to the three gunas.  There are degrees of right and wrong…correct and incorrect.  It is your duty as a yogi to share right and correct.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.