For a total CleanseUpdate!! This is the product I have been waiting for for you!   Ear Oil

My mom is turning 70 this May and it really hit me that she’s getting “up there.”  She’s super healthy and really quite fit at the age of 70 so I don’t think of her as getting older.  She walks, does yoga at her gym 3 days a week, and tries to watch her diet from the vantage of a person who grew up in an era of meat and potatoes.  I’m proud of her focus to not just her physical health, but her emotional health as well.  She’s the one who probably got me interested at a very young age in self-help.  I remember as a young teen being surrounded by post it notes with affirmations written on them stuck to the bathroom mirrors and refrigerators.

While my mom is aging well, I have noticed that I have to talk louder and louder on the phone and am repeating myself a lot.  My mother has suffered from ringing in her ears since she was around 50 and it appears to be getting worse.  Oddly, or maybe not so odd since I’m 45 now, my ears started to ring a bit a few months ago.  I’ll tell you what I did to make it stop and offer additional modalities I didn’t need to try because my situation was more mild and quickly reversed.

When you have ringing in the ears it’s called Tinnitus.  It sounds really different depending upon who you are and may present like a whistle, buzz, chirp, hiss, roar, or even shrieking.  If you want to hear what it sounds like, you can click through this link and it will take you to and audio.  CLICK HERE

Ringing in the ears is caused by any and all of the following

  • Damage to the nerve endings in the inner ear
  • Aging
  • Wax
  • Loud noise (damage)
  • Stress
  • Grinding your teeth or TMJ
  • Allergies
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Neck or head injury

I’m certain my ringing was related to stress and grinding my teeth.  This is what I did and it reversed:

  • Take a few drops of Nasya Oil morning and night into each nostril.  PURCHASE
  • Place a few drops of warm Sesame Oil into one ear and let is soak 3 – 5 minutes and then repeat on the other side. (do this for 10 days).  PURCHASE
  • I highly recommend Stress Ease to help you sleep and reduce stress. PURCHASE
  • Rub your feet with Sesame Oil before you go to bed each night.  (this is for stress and deep sleep.)
  • Eat 6 – 8 almonds and follow with a mug of warm milk.  You can put a little cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey in the milk as well.  Perfect bedtime treat.
  • I deepened my meditation practice, but if you don’t have one, get one.  This is for stress.  My book, The Elemental Cleanse, has meditation instructions in it.
  • Tighten your routine making sure you go to bed by 10ish and up by 7ish.
  • I eliminated caffeine, but if you have other habits like smoking, excessive noise in your environment including TV, computer, and cell phone use.  Cocaine will also make your ears ring.
  • Myofacial release for the grinding teeth.  (this is a type of massage…email me and I’ll give you a contact.)

Within 5 – 7 days you should see a marked improvement.  If your life spins out with stress or one of the above bad habits, the ringing will come back.  So, you may consider lifestyle modifications that are NOT temporary.

Some people experience spiritual awakenings of Kundalini that presents as ringing in the ears.  Even if it is a spiritual awakening and not actual Tinnitus, you will not harm yourself from embracing the Vata grounding practices above.  The sound of spiritual awakening has been documented as sounding like bells, buzzing bees, singing bowls, lutes, music, or sounds of nature.  When I was initiated into Kriya Yoga I heard the sound of a lute.  I’ve had other similar experiences, but not all people will have the experience of sound with spiritual awakening so please don’t attach to the idea.

I hope this helps.  OM, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.