

More and more it seems people are realizing that dairy, as mass manufactured in the US, is notall it is cracked up to be.  Dairy, in Ayurveda, holds a sacred space, but the cows in India are treated a whole lot different than the cows in America.  In India, the mothers give birth naturally and are allowed to nurse their young and then the milk is taken for human consumption.  In America, the cows are given hormones to overproduce and the calves are immediately taken from the mother to trick her body to produce more quickly.

Ayurveda and Milk


  • Dairy holds a special place in Ayurveda.  Cows are considered to be sacred animals.  The milk from a cow that has been well-loved and well-cared for rejuvenates tissues and nourishes the body.  Unfortunately, these cows are few and far between in the West.
  • Milk is intended for those who have very strong digestion, are very sexually active or who are depleted from the force of The Wind (Vata) and need to heal, rest and sleep. 
  • Most Doshas thrive without daily dairy.  If you choose to consume dairy on a regular basis, buy whole, organic, non-homogenized, and much loved products. Homogenization changes the fat in milk and makes it very hard to digest.  This encourages the accumulation of toxins or “ama”.
  • Milk should never be consumed cold.  Bring it to a boil first and then turn down and let it slowly boil for 5 or 10 minutes.  This changes the molecular structure of the milk and makes it easier to digest.  You may experiment with adding turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and honey to improve digestibility.
  • Think of milk as a snack or a digestive aid.  You can replace breakfast with warm milk adding a little bit of nutmeg, cinnamon, honey and almonds.  Warm milk taken 30 minutes before bedtime will promote sleep due to the presence of tryptophan and the heat raising your body’s temperature.   Warm milk and ghee taken prior to bedtime will aid with constipation.

Dairy Facts for our Western Culture:

  • A high-protein diet, especially proteins from animals, causes calcium loss in the body.  The proteins in cow’s milk actually inhibit your body’s ability to absorb calcium.
  • 75% of adults show some degree of lactase activity (lactose intolerance) worldwide.
  • Jersey (small, honey-brown, friendly) cows provide the highest quality milk, however 85% of the milk produced in the United States is provided by Holstein cows (typical black and white cow).
  • Cows are typically milked up to three times per day and given hormones such as bsT to boost milk production.
  • Organically produced milk does use up to 80% more land.  That’s because the cows are actually getting out and enjoying life a little.  If you are worried about the environment, drink less milk overall.

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium, in milligrams, about 1 cup (you need 1,500 mgs a day):

Soymilk 93
Fortified soymilk 368
Quinoa 100
Mung beans 56
Baked beans 128
Navy beans 128
Refried beans 88
Bok choi 158
Turnip greens, boiled 158
Broccoli 72
French beans 111
Kelp, raw 144
Sweet potato 76
Blackberries 46
Figs 269
Orange juice, fortified 300
Papaya 72
Collard greens 226
Mustard greens 104
Sesame seeds 280 (1 oz)


You might consider a non-milk source of milk including rice, almond, hemp, and soy milk.  Limit your cheese to soft cheeses like cottage, paneer, feta, goat, and brie.  These are easier to digest, less heavy, and less mucas forming than hard cheeses.

Yogurt is great especially if your Vata or Pitta.  Add a teaspoon of honey to make it easier to digest for a delicate Vata digestion.  Kapha should limit their intake of yogurt.  It’s heavy, sweet, and mucas forming properties aggravate Kapha.

What’s your dosha?  Take the Quiz to find out.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.