Everything you feel, see and touch is an extension of your spirit.  Surrounded by beauty and tranquility, your spirit flourishes.  Make your home feel like a sanctuary by creating a sacred space to nourish your body, calm your mind and awaken your spirit.

Do what you can to create your sanctuary.  When I first began meditating, I sat on the couch in the living room.  This worked well because I would get up very early, before my family and only the cat would interrupt.  The couch happened to have bolster pillows to offer good lower back support and my living room had little clutter and naturally had a Zen quality.

I found, however, as I embraced my spiritual lifestyle more and more that I began to accumulate books to study, artifacts from retreats and workshops, incense, shawls and blankets.  I also noticed if I had a yoga rug handy I could do a few sun salutations and then slip into meditation more comfortably.  My grandmother passed away and left me a knitted blanket of hot pink and green that I loved to cover myself in during my meditation even though it clashed entirely with my living room.  I didn’t want to travel from one room to the next or pack up my books to keep the living room as it was.

I moved to a closet.  Seriously.  My house at the time had a large storage space with a window off of the guest room.  I cleaned it of junk, bought a beautiful meditation chair from Zen by Design and filled up the space with my grandmother’s knitted blanket and other artifacts.  In one corner was a yoga mat, blocks and other props.  In another was a twin mattress with a groovy bedspread where I could nap and read.  The room also held my meditation chair, an altar, my spiritual books and mementos.  Over time, I added a reiki timer, a CD player and mandalas for the walls.  Looking back, it probably looked like something from the 60’s or a college dormitory, but I loved everything about it.

I live in a different home now and I have an entire room dedicated to my spiritual practice.  The furniture has been upgraded from the dormitory look.  I still have the same beautiful meditation chair, but it now sits on a fur rug created by a Native American Indian.  My room is full of artwork and gifts given to me.  My altar is much larger to accommodate my growing collection of statues and candles.  The room smells of Jasmine.  The room seems to grow and change with me.  Sometimes books are piled about, sometimes I clean everything out of the room so only my chair rests there.

I love that room so much.  When I walk into it, I immediately begin to settle.  The scent alone, which is sacred to only that room of my house, starts my relaxation.  My family knows that this is a special room.  I invite my children to join me occasionally and will welcome them openly adding chairs for them when they choose to embrace their practice.  Sometimes I find my daughter just sitting in the room.  She says that it just “feels so good” in there.  She’s right; that one room of my house seems to be full of magic and serenity.

Creating your sacred space will motivate you to sit in your chair every day.  Make your space a place of love and healing.  Here are some ideas for your room.

  • Buy a comfortable meditation chair with lower back support or simply move a comfortable chair that you already own into the room. Zen by Design
  • Buy a dedicated yoga mat and props for the room.  Blocks, straps, bolsters and blankets are nice to have.  Check out Hugger Mugger for great gear.
  • If you are transforming a guest room or your bedroom, consider covering the bed in a Zen-like fabric.  Think natural prints and soothing colors.
  • Place an altar near your chair.  This can be any table, but I like the height of it to match the chair height.
  • Pick a scent.  I love Jasmine, but Gardenia, Lavender and Sandalwood are really good too for relaxation.  Place candles and incense on your altar and around your room.
  • On your altar, place pictures of family and friends that you love.  Include a picture of yourself from childhood.
  • As your spiritual self grows, you might find that you want to place statues of Buddha, Shiva, Jesus or other inspirational icons on your altar.
  • Plan on storage for books and journals.  Keep them nearby to inspire you before and after your meditation.  Keep a journal in your space to record meditative experiences and thoughts.
  • If you have a partner, it can be very powerful to meditate together.  You may consider planning a sacred sanctuary for two.
  • I intend to expand my room to include a massage table.



This discussion was taken from “The Elemental Cleanse.”  Buy the book for more great tips.  




*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.