There is a spiritual author named Phil Bolsta that I have been following for years.  I just love him.  I honestly can’t remember how I found him or even the first thing of his I read which simply indicates to me that he is part of my soul pack and has always been in my world.  Through him, I have found so many spiritual people who have become my guides and teachers.  He truly is a connector.

Phil asked me if I would like to write a review for his book, “Through God’s Eyes:  Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World.”  I pulled the book out again to refresh myself and wowsie!!  It’s so good.  So much to think about.  So much to think about, in fact, I thought it would be fun to start a book club right here.  You see, the book is a collection of ideas, thoughts, and quotes meant to start a dialogue.  So let’s dialogue!

Download the book.  I’ll start a weekly discussion.  You reply in the comments and let’s have some deep spiritual conversation using this Age of Aquarius methodology called the internet.  With so much crud on the internet, I’m dying for deep meaningful conversation.


“Science cannot objectively define God through experimentation because every subject’s perception of God would be, by definition, subjective.”

God is like a mirror.  The mirror never changes but everybody who looks at it sees a different face. ~ Midrash Tanhama (Tanhuman is not a person but a collection of books akin to the Torah if I’m understanding correctly)

Here’s what I think about this quote: There is currently an explosively growing emerging field dedicated to studying the science of consciousness.  This isn’t new ground.  We’ve been having philosophical conversations for centuries about our existence, our perception, the “collective”, and the individual.  A Yogis says, “Tat Tvam Asi” or “I am that..thou are that..yourare that” or more simply, “not that.”  Descarte took a less primal approach and more intellectual saying, “I think, therefore I am.”  Two very different approaches.

This searching to define God is really a searching to define the self.  We have an instinctive longing to understand that which we don’t understand and a spiritual yearning to know how we fit in to this huge puzzle of humanity, earth, and ether.  And therein lies the problem in this science.  This searching to define God is really a searching to define the self.  Can you really see your self?  Do you see yourself as others see you?

If you were to be poked, prodded, and psychologically evaluated by a scientist, your mother, and your lover, would they come up with the same analysis of you?  Probably not.  They each see you in a different light and for that reason, you are truly not definable.  The same is true for God.

What do you think?  Om, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.