“To Infinity and beyond.” ~ Buzz Lightyear

I can’t believe it.  It’s our final night of the 21 stages of meditation.  This group has been together with a few pop in and outs now for the past 21 weeks.  Every Tuesday we come together and fully immerse in the most challenging meditation practices that I personally have ever experienced.  It’s been an amazing journey for me and feedback suggests for our whole group as well.  It’s inspired me on so many levels including to completely change how we do our teacher training at EOM.  Meeting once a week and staying in constant contact has allowed us to become friends, spiritual partners, and community.

This process has dynamically changed my experience of my mind.  I have clarity.  I have focus.  I see the thoughts arise and am driven mad on some level as I consciously choose to allow the Self to play them through.  I feel relaxed into life as it is in a way I haven’t before.  I also feel a little lost in this world to be honest.  The 21 Stages of Meditation is really a Kundalini teacher training program and set up to cultivate a mind that longs to lead, to teach, and to help and serve.  On some level, I feel all fired up to do something but I’m like my dog when she randomly runs into the family room, stands there like she doesn’t know how she got there, and then runs out.

I see a slight dysfunction has developed between me and the real world.  Every person I see needs help and I am impatient for them to find me so I can help them.  My creativity has sky rocketed and I honestly don’t know what to do with all of it.  Time has also into my control.  I’m amazed at what I can get done with little effort.

Tonight’s class is going to be intense in a way you have to experience to understand.  If you are coming, come to Julie’s class at 6:30 beforehand to flow and get the energy moving.  Tonight’s meditation is the highest kriya of all the kriyas in all the 22 styles of yoga.  It is like a knife cutting through all remaining darkness.  It clears the subconscious and gets you out of your way.  It balances the gunas, or your perception of this experience as pure, heated, or dark.  It immediately and perfectly purifies all the chakras transcending your deepest karma and giving you a fresh start.  It is yoga perfected. 

It is also the hardest kriya even though it appears so simple.  You would imagine if all of your chakras are unblocked and you have transcended karma, then you are simply free flowing with the universe.  You are co-creating on a level not imagined.  This kriya connects you directly to the heart beat of the Universe, of God, of creation.  It is infinity and it’s the pulse of infinity.

Cautions for Sodarshan Chakra Kriya:

The slower you go the better.  Tonight we will do 3, 11, 22, 31, or 62 minutes (participant’s choice), but you are cautioned to start with just 3.  This kriya blows the 27 projections of the mind…it blows your mind. 

Critical to this kriya, but not discussed in the pdf below is to maintain chin lock (Jalandhar Bandh) and a slight root lock (Mool Bandh) drawing gently up on rectum and sex organs. your belly lock (Uddhiyana Bandh) will come naturally.  The three together are the Great Lock or Mahabandh.  This supercharges the Kundalini energy.

This kriya has an IMMEDIATE effect even if done for just 3 minutes.  Do it three times a day, (1) sun up, (2) noon, (3) sundown.  Put your seatbelt on, your life is going to change.

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya Download

“Whosoever knows and perfects Sodarshan Chakra Kriya shall be complete.  They shall realize themselves as God and a human, and human and God. “ ~ Yogi Bhajan

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.