The timing of this international debate on to bomb or not to bomb Syria syncs up with stage twelve of the 21 Stages of Meditation:  Elevation.  Elevation is the ability to see the unseen and to know the unknown.  It is beyond detachment to outcome, it is non attachment in it’s finest form.  What does that mean to a situation like Syria?

Well, it means everything.  You see, when you cultivate Elevation, you are able to follow the threads of the tangled web you weave with your thoughts, words, and deeds to the end.  You are able to discern what outcomes your personal choices and actions will have on a very large scale.  It also means that you have developed the skill needed to move in this world consciously.  Consciousness and awareness become your mode of operation.  The ego, the past, and emotions stop driving your actions.  The labels of “good” and “bad” disappear.

For world leaders to respond in an elevated manner to Syria and in doing so bring about a new definition of peace,  leaders and humans as a whole would need to forgive the past.  I think this is especially hard in the US where co-dependency runs amuck. The US has a history of needing to be right, to be loved, to be respected, and to be “pre”-forgiven.  Somehow we have gotten in our collective consciousness that we know what is best and if we were just given a chance by the entire world, we could prove to the entire world that we are right.

Oh, and then there is the other critical piece to Elevation and that’s neutrality.  When we are neutral, we see neither the good not the bad.  We just see.  In seeing the bodies of children, in seeing homes destroyed, in seeing messages of hate, how do we stay neutral?  What does that feel like?  The simple answer is it doesn’t matter what that feels like.  We are simply to choose neutrality and find a way to Elevate Syria and the entire world to come to a needed resolution in the Middle East.

What does global elevation look like?  I can think of quite a few things.  Elevation looks like clean water and food for all of humans.  Elevation looks like equal rights for woman and children.  Elevation looks like education.  Elevation looks like peace.  I know you are thinking these are long-term solutions.  I don’t think so.  I think these are just a creative leap in consciousness and if each individual devoted a little time to this each day in a way that resonates with them, we would see a global shift quickly. It’s already happening.

So, back to our crisis.  I’ve thought a lot about what I would do in Syria if someone asked me.  I found my answer to be quite simple.  You see, when I am faced with a crisis that seems impossible, I simply turn within.  I go really quiet and into solitude.  I allow myself all the time I need to feel through the process.  I ask the Universe to intervene and offer up it’s own creative solutions.    What if the US did the same thing?  What if we took a day, or a week, or a month to stop communicating with the world.  What if we told the world that we were so upset that we simply needed some time to ourselves?  What if we closed down the ports, turned off the stock market, and stopped the flow of energy (btw…it’s green) for just one day?

I have to think that would give the rest of the world an opportunity to come up with a peaceful resolution.  I have to think it would be a powerful experiment to prove our interconnectedness.  So, I propose a day, a week, or a month of silence to mourn dead children not just in Syria, but all over this globe.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.