Sat Nam Rasayan is not just a healing modality that is used on other people, you can use it for organizations, businesses, groups, and even entire countries.  I asked Guru Dev  how to connect with the identity of a business.

Well, be careful when asking Guru Dev a question, because he doesn’t mess around.  Instead of explaining to me the process of tapping in, he simply explained to me  in front of a room of over 100, “The problem with your business (eom) is that it has no brain.  There are lots of opinions, but they go into a black hole.”  Ouch.  I mean huge Ouch.

He then asked me to the front of the class (to my horror because I was already dying of embarrassment at creating a brainless business).  He called up Mahan Kirn, (who worked with me privately earlier btw).  He told her to look at my solar chakra.  It apparently is totally blown and I was told to never abuse any substance again.  They corrected that and I could feel the soft oozing of the chakras clearing.  It was pretty amazing.  He then looked at my face and told Mahan Kirn to do the same.  He pointed out that the left side was distorted (that’s the feminine and it’s also the side I grind my teeth on and suffered a small palsy many years ago).  I literally felt my face move up as they worked on it.

He gave me the Adi Shakti mantra and meditation to work with and in an incredulous way asked “Why I don’t use my Adi Shakti?”  Ouch again.  Adi Shakti is literally the “first power.”  It is feminine.  It divines the future and is about balance and completion.

Well here’s the truth about my brainless business.  I’ve lost my vision.  Before Kundalini teacher training, I could sense the future and it has always driven the business and my life. I don’t know what happened in India, but now I can’t.  I feel confused like I’m finding a switch in a dark room.  It’s pretty hard to lead an organization when you can’t see and have no vision.  Therefore, my business has no brain.  Synchronistically, I am deep in the process of re writing my business plan and creating a new vision for EOM so this is really present for me.  Some bits and pieces have already been implemented, but the larger vision has alluded me because I don’t know what I want.

I do need a team so that opinions do have somewhere to go.  I’ve given all I’ve got for the last seven years to drive EOM to this point, but this one man show is worn out.  Between teaching, managing, marketing, website building, accounting, buying toilet paper and a million other things, I have no time to implement the amazing ideas of others.  And while it is true that I’ve had my share of alcohol abuse, I can’t help but wonder if my blown solar chakra is from constantly abusing my favorite substance, work.  Not to mention driving by sheer brute willpower and male force.

Of course, my whole life is driven by male energy.  When I was very little, it was made very clear to me that I should have been a boy.  I tried my best to be a boy.  I worked in the yard, worked on cars, watched football, talked politics, and a million other things to please my dad.  I was so uncomfortable in my feminine skin always wearing baggy clothes and hiding myself.  I hated my female brain too.  My father always said that woman were stupid, inferior, and less than.   I was taught not to emote and to be needless of attention and comfort.  Of course as a 44-year old woman, I see the damage done.

I’ve come a long way on this journey.  I’ve healed so much and am so much better than I ever was.  10+ years into the life of a yogi, however, and I guess the next real question is do I have the courage to use my Adi Shakti?  What is this first power?  Do you know your own power and can you embrace it?

I have to add to this very long post one very important thing.  I was so embarrassed to be exposed.  My success as a business woman defines me to me.  I felt my identity stripped away in front of a huge group.  About an hour later Guru Dev came back around and talked about how all business are brainless and souless and took us through a session of tapping in with one.  It was quite kind of him and did make me feel better, but I do appreciate his initial directness.  He is a very loving and wise man.  Also, I was stopped by person after person to ask about my business.  You see, everyone who stopped me has a business and feels so much like I feel.  They were grateful that I put myself out there because they benefited from it as well.  Being vulnerable and exposed once again proved to be inspirational for others.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.