I’ll be honest.  It’s hard to be your own personal coach and stay on track for a 120-day Cleanse.  Food has become boring and my motivation is LOW on the physical level.  So last night I forced my expanding buddhi into my yoga pants and went to Yoga for Weight Loss with Julie Smallwood.  Julie is an exceptional yoga teacher with a passion for Ashtanga and an Ayurvedic Specialist who studied with Doctor Frawley.

We had a great time.  We moved our bodies, shared our stories, and committed to supporting each other as a group.  What I realized is that transformation takes place in community.  We need each other to motivate, inspire, and excite.  I couldn’t be more excited about my new plan.

Julie started us off simply with a few tips.  Now I know you are probably thinking that I personally teach this stuff and why do I need to hear it from someone else, but I do.  It’s different when you hear it from another person and are sitting in a group of like-minded individuals who also want to shift in a similar way.

Julie suggested the following:

  1. No eating within 2 hours of bedtime.  Let your body have the evening off to fast.   Break the fast in the morning.
  2. Move your body.  A more vigorous yoga practice is needed to shift weight.
  3. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!!!  wowsie!  Each morning drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.  (She does it at night as well).  If you aren’t used to drinking water in the morning, start slow.  Start with 1/4 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.  Over time, increase until you hit 1 cup.

So I had to do the research on this subject.  Here’s what I found:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar lowers glucose levels of those with type 2 diabetes.
  • It lowers cholesterol in rats.
  • It lowers blood pressure in rats.
  • It promotes satisfaction of the senses and reduces the amount of calories consumed.

click to full article>>>

I’m sold.  I got up this morning and chugged a mug of water with apple cider.  It wasn’t pleasant.  BUT, the rajistic or heated nature of the beverage immediately turned my digestive fire on.  Usually, I have to force feed myself breakfast and am prone to skipping (Vata).

More importantly, I just felt good doing it.  I feel like I’m taking control.

Join me next Tuesday in Montgomery at 6:30 pm and look for more class offerings in the fall to support Yoga and Weight Loss.


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.