I’m sitting here at 10:30 am drinking 1/4 cup of coffee to kill my raging withdrawal headache.  Oh my G.O.D….my head…it’s pounding.  My eyes hurt.  This is a total caffeine withdrawal.  As I said yesterday, my morning cup is no big deal.  I don’t even finish it.  It’s just a tiny cup.  Going cold turkey should not be a big deal for me.

lies.lies.lies….Satya (truth)…does the inside of you match the outside?

I’m lying to myself about this cup of morning coffee.  It’s my last big thing really.  I gave up meat.  I’m organic.  I really don’t even cuss in my head anymore.  Can’t I have this lousy vice?  The truth of this coffee is that it really is 1/2 steamed milk and 1/2 coffee.  The other truth is that the 1/2 that is coffee is the darkest, richest, and most potent Peet’s blend.  The other other truth (and I measured it today) is that this mug of coffee that looks totally normal to me actually holds well over 12 ounces of liquid.  Even at 1/2 cup of joe in the morning, I’m completely overindulging.

Here’s from my book, The Elemental Cleanse, on Caffeine Withdrawal

I should have read that first.

3:52 pm:  Food today has been easy except for my Agni (digestive fire) turned on way to fast and I’m starving.  I can’t wait for dinner.  There’s a recipe below that I made and ate for breakfast and lunch.  Tonight is Israeli couscous with veggies.  I’m proud to say that I did not take the yummy candy from the bowl at the post office today.  Nor did I even have a glass of apple juice.  I snacked on a plum.  I took my herbs.  I had to lay down 1/2 way through my meditation due to my achy head, but I got through it.  I had to keep slapping my hand in the car not to turn on NPR.  Media block out…..for 120 days?  oh my….

I might be a little grumpy today…. Spiritually???  are you kidding me?  I can’t even think.  Spiritually…I have not killed any humans today.

Recipe for Hearty Mushroom Dahl

Shanti, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.