Today I have begun a 120-day spiritual cleanse to support the work that I will be doing during the 21 stages of meditation.  I’ve never done a 120-day cleanse and I have no idea what is going to happen.  I certainly would not ask you to join me because (1) it is a huge commitment and (2) I’m going to be using the skills I know about yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, but I’m still making this up as I go…

Here’s what is going on in my own life and why I want to do 120 day spiritual cleanse:

First, I’ve really struggled since my return from Kundalini Teacher Training in India to integrate my life.  Amidst the chaos of India, I did find a profound sense of meaning and peace.  Sadly, my life is wound up and I just can’t seem to find balance between the way things are and the way I know things are meant to be.  I find that I work all the time and I use work to escape, relax, and believe it or not, to meditate.  It totally blisses me out.  I want to find some new hobbies and activities that are about total fun.  This cleanse will be about establishing boundaries for work and for service and going through the uncomfortable process of possibly being bored….ugg.

Second,  I appear to have a Kapha imbalance.  My latest trip to the obgyn uncovered a tumor and cysts.  Nothing to worry about, just very uncomfortable, but I am disappointing to know that my past is fully caught up in my present.  I’m highly aware that my current state of imbalance is due to the choice making I’ve made around excessive work in the past six years.  Not to mention the years and years of overindulgence in alcohol and non-food items that really began at the age of 13.  Also very present for me of late is a deep wounding in the feminine from years of abuse.  It will actually be more interesting to me to shift this than the tumor.

I think this will be intellectually fun because I have the ultrasound of the tumor and I want to see if it actually will shrink using diet, meditation, and spiritual practices.  I love a good experiment and I love even more having personal proof that all of this stuff works.

I’m a little scared because I’ve agreed to simply put all of this out there.  Of course I’m hoping I can provide valuable information and insight to my readers, but I’m also using this as a way to be held accountable.  I think this is called feeling “vulnerable,” not my favorite space to play in.

Day 1:

Went cold turkey on the morning coffee and had peppermint tea instead.  This is easy for me because my cup is literally half steamed milk and I never finish it anyway.  If you have a caffeine habit, reduce by 1/3s over the course of 3 weeks to avoid withdrawal.

Food for today and the next few will be very light…just grains and steamed veggies.  I’m starting with a bit of a fast to quickly turn on my digestion or Agni.  I’ll favor the taste of bitter meaning green veggies.

I’m taking Neem, triphala, and a B complex.  I’ll add an adaptogen when my Agni turns back on.

My meditation is Kirtan Kriya for 31 minutes.  I’m going to stick with that for the full 120 days.

Tonight I’m taking 2 yoga classes and I’m going to get to yoga class as much as possible.  I do love to practice on my own, but Kapha moves with new experiences and new people.  In a nutshell, I need motivation.  You will see on the schedule that Wednesdays at 7:30 went to Vinyasa as well as Fridays at 9:30.  That’s so we can MOVE!

Spiritually, I am focused on Truth or Satya this week.  Truth is when the inside of you matches the outside.  I feel a little mismatched lately.  Today I simply begin the process of observing the mismatch and writing about it.

Om, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.