Slide1Adrenal fatigue is when your adrenal system has gone into overdrive, hyperdrive, and finally kaput.  Modern medicine doesn’t really validate the existence of this disorder much like they were reluctant to embrace fibromyalgia and chronic fatique syndrome.  Still, something is going on and in holistic circles, we call it Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.

What does if feel like?  Well, I know first hand.  A few years back I experienced a sudden and shocking grief event.  Not truly understanding the process of grief, I did what I always do and I just through myself into working and not grieving.  Very quickly I started having the following experience:

  • Waking up like clockwork at 3:06 am and not being able to go back to sleep even though I was exhausted.
  • Waking up drenched in sweat to the point of having to change nightgowns and sheets.
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability.  Think road rage at even the smallest little things.
  • Sighing A LOT.  I know that is sounds silly, but you will find yourself just sighing on the exhale.  Your body is intuitive and smart and knows that’s a quick release for stress.
  • Feeling dizzy and spacey.
  • Looking like the walking dead..sallow skin, dark circles, and hair loss.

I also developed high blood pressure.

So is this syndrome real or not.  Well, it doesn’t matter.  You are still suffering and you gotta find relief.  This is what I did to reverse the above:

Ashwagandha is a daily MUST to prevent and treat adrenal fatigue.  It’s a powerful adaptogen and will settle your mind and allow you to sleep better as well.  Take morning and night.  Ashwagandha>>>

Download the following Kriya and practice it every single day.  The instructions say 1 – 3 minutes, but I’ll be honest and tell you I could only do about 30 seconds of each the first few days.  I quickly shifted though.


The symptoms described above would suggest multiple doshas are out of balance.  That means you need to give yourself 28 days or so to come fully back to a state of feeling relatively normal.  At about week 2 or so of the above, you might consider experiencing The Elemental Cleanse, but not until you start to already shift.  It would be too stressful to just jump right into the Cleanse and you want to do that when you can be fully present for it.  Partnering the Cleanse strategically with your recovery, however, is very powerful due to the fact that the Cleanse will teach you to effectively meditate, encourages a grounded yoga practice, and puts you first.  Also, long term planning is a focus allowing you to shift in a strategic manner the situations that are causing your stress and ultimately your adrenal fatigue.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.