Well I hit a nerve today….irritation.  oh boy.  That is the practice for this week in the 21-stages and will be my spiritual cleansing focus this week.  First, let me just say the Kundalini Kriya that I did today, Balancing the Chakras, is harder than crud.  I thought I’d be nice and cut the times in 1/2 and nearly died of exhaustion.  So, I will be teaching 1/3 times if you are coming.  The meditation is called Eyeglass Traatik.  Basically you do the mudra in the silly picture above.  If you have a friend, do it with them and stare at each other.  If not, use a mirror.

  1. For 10 minutes slit your eyes like a snake and stare into the eyes of the other person.  Long deep breath pulling slightly in on the naval with t he exhale.  YOU MUST STAY STILL….hence the irritation.
  2. For the next 11 minutes, alternately chant “Whaa-hay Guroo” outloud.  Listen to it roll off the lips and listen to your partner.  Listen intently.
  3. For the last 10 minutes do the first step again…just staring and breathing.
  4. To end, inhale, close the eyes, roll them up to the 3rd eye center and suspend the breath for 15 seconds.  Do this a total of 3 times.  Then inhale and stretch your arms and shake your shoulders.  You will need this.

I got so irritated it was irrational and now I know why these two words are so similar.  So, I’m attaching this week’s Spiritual homework.  It’s all about noticing and getting the heat and irritation out of your life.  You might not realize that what you are eating, how you are living, your routine, and a lot of other things are causing you to be irritated.  This makes you overreact and leads to frustration, anger, aggression, and then withdrawal.  The mundane (which this meditation is) can be the most irritating…a change in schedule, routine, diet, or a person your living with having a change.

You must soothe and stabilize your routines to minimize your irritation.  Connect with nature.  Establish a fixed routine.  Eat cooling and Sattvic foods (discussed in the download below).

Irritation OM Work>>>

Sat Nam, Pamela (Jeetprem Kaur)

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.