It takes 90 days to grow a new liver, 120 days to grow all new red blood cells and 14 months to grow a new skeleton. Living in Balance is critical to the long term success and happiness and here’s why:
You have have 7 tissues known as “dhatus” that are complete systems of the body. They are independent in that they have barriers and borders to protect them from imbalanced doshas leading to disease. Dosha is a Sanskrit word that means “to go out of balance.” The barriers keeps the doshas out. When a dosha enters a system because the system is weak, you go out of balance and get sick.
The dhatus are a complete system that are dependent upon each other in that they feed each other. You start with healthy plasma, that feeds the blood, that feeds the muscle, that feeds the fat, that feeds the bone, that feeds the bone morrow, and that ultimately feeds the reproductive system. If one or any are affected by the doshas, you will experience imbalance.
During the Cleanse, we have time to clear out the plasma. That actually only takes 12 hours to get a quick hit and then another 5 days to totally transform from food to plasma. The plasma then feeds and purifies the blood. That takes another 5 days. At this point you are in 10.5 days assuming that you didn’t have those “less-favorable” habits to begin with and assuming that you are already in a state of emotional balance with your stressors and unhappiness diminished. After 5 more days, the pure blood goes to the muscles. Another 5 to get to the fat and then 5 to the bone and 5 to the morrow and finally 5 to the reproductive system.
The entire process start to finish takes 35 days. Again, assuming you are already under control with habits and mental stress. You can see by this, that the Elemental Cleanse is really effective to get to the fat (that’s why the weight rolls off in Week 4).
1. Plasma or Rasa
If the plasma is healthy a person will have smooth soft skin, shiny hair, be attractive and of appropriate body weight.
2. Blood or Rakta
If the blood is healthy, a person will exhibit glossy and pinkish coloring in the ears, mouth, tongue, lips, nose, palms and soles of the feet. (look for it when they are seated on their mats.)
3. Muscle or Mamsa
If the muscle is healthy, a person will appear strong, solid, attractive and have appropriate muscle and flesh. Look to the back of the neck, forehead, temples, eyes, chin, shoulders, stomach, breasts, joints of the hands and feet.
4. Fat or Asti
If the fat is healthy, a person will have a pleasing voice (no whining), bright eyes, and soft and glossy hair and nails.
5. Bone or Asti
If the bone is healthy, a person will appear balanced. The heals are large and well formed, the ankle, knees, elbows, collarbone, chin a, forehad, nails and teeth are also well formed.
6. Bone Marrow or Majn
If the bone marrow is healthy, the body will be strong yet soft. The voice will be rich and deep. The joints will be rounded.
7. Reproductive Fluid or Shukra
If the Shukra is healthy, a person will be attractive, have a joyful personality, be bright and have an appropriate drive in the bedroom. They will be vibrant and enjoy life.
Empower yourself with the discipline and drive to clean up your tissues and MAINTAIN health. Take the Elemental Cleanse and jumpstart your health.
*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.