If you were to spread out all 21 Tarot Majors (the Fool excluded, he sits on top of it) you would notice Justice holds the place square in the middle.  She is the key to getting off The Wheel of Fortune and to the Hanged Man which stops the pendulum of life’s suffering from swinging.  The Wheel of Fortune, driven by the subconscious mind, plants all the seeds of Karma.  The practice for an occultist is to befriend the mind and become master of the subconscious mind through sweet suggestions so the wrong seeds might not be planted.

Justice holds a sword just like the sphinx appearing in the Wheel of Fortune.  Both are feminine.  You might notice the sphinx was blue to remind you of the High Priestess who is memory or subconscious thinking.  Justice does wear a blue layer under her robe of red and green, but even more interesting is her key is eleven.  11.  1 + 1 = 2 and 2 is the number of the High Priestess key.  The number 2 means “wisdom” and it hints we are mirroring the divine.

Justice is not blind.  She lets all the light in and uses the light of her mind to discern.  She is known as Faithful Intelligence and utilizes this means by which to cut away that which we no longer need.  She cuts the fat from the flesh and keeps you healthy.  Her scale, the color of the sun with the ability to measure vital life force energy, weighs what is needed and what is not needed.  The sword cuts it away. Notice the curtains in the card are the color of Jupiter, the color appearing in the Wheel of Fortune, and these curtains are pulled back to let the light of the sun shine in.  Literally letting the light shine on any problem.

What in your own life is sucking away your vital life force energy?

Justice lives in the seventh house of relationship on the astrology wheel. She is Venus in Libra.  Venus is love, creativity and mothering.  Libra is balance.  Green shows up on the robe of Justice to remind you of the Empress.  The Empress is a door or the mother opening for opportunities and growing creative ideas to birth.  You might think of Justice as slamming shut doors that should not be opened.  The great planet Saturn shows through this card as well.  Saturn is exalted in Venus.  Saturn holds  the sword as discipline, authority, rules and the father.  So Justice is truly the perfected parent of you.

The Sword is known as the sword of Severity.  Severity sits just below Binah on the Tree of Life.  Binah is Understanding.  Understanding seems so soft and Severity seems so hard, but it is only through great effort we come to understand.  Justice is a call to action for you to learn, understand and even teach.  Isn’t teaching what we have learned a way to transcend Karma after all?

What great lessons in your life have you learned and share with others so they might learn?

The Hebrew letter in Key 11 is Lamed and it is the value of 20.  It means “ox-goed” and literally a tool used to prod along oxen.  It relates to the Magician whose letter is Aleph which means ox, so Justice is prodding along the Self Conscious Will of the Magician.

Health is most important in this card.  Calculate any risk you intend to take.  Would a good parent allow a child to be of ill health and partake in unsafe or unhealthy activities?  Health is important to be able to read the tarot as well.  You can’t practice magic in poor health.  You must implement the teachings of the Fool to Temperance before you can utilize the final keys.  Balance is key to health.  Don’t go to extremes. Don’t over do anything.

If you want to master anything you must put your focus on it and take your focus away from interests.  This is part of the Law of Success and implementing the Sword of Severity.  Don’t be afraid to stand out.  Justice reminds you of the divine creative intelligence that you are and brings it to life.  Justice will protect you from naysayers and from those who wish to keep you down.  Justice is asking you to live your best life and trust you are protected.  When you are doing the good you are meant to do in the world, then nothing can harm you.

Things to remember:

  • All actions are to be founded in goodwill.
  • You are meant to work in co operation with others.
  • Focus your attention on what you love and the rest will fall into place nicely
  • Take care of yourself.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.