On December 21st we officially and finally after much struggle and suffering shift to the Age of Aquarius.

We’ve witnessed since 2016  the planets Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn move into alignment to transform the structure and form of our government, religions, culture and society.  The past has been brought to the surface to heal and the things in your life you cling to may have even been torn away from you.

It’s okay.  It was all meant to be and while we have a lot of work to do moving into our new best future, the future is indeed bright especially for those with heightened awareness of the energies upon us.

Tonight (Thursday November 19th) we will have a Fire Ceremony to release 2020 and all the suffering we have experienced.  We will do this in preparation to properly receive the beautiful energy of this Winter’s Solstice on Monday, December 21st.

Plan to come bundled up.  If the weather permits we will have the fire outside or at least move outside one by one and socially safe to release our writings.  Do bring a journal and paper you don’t mind burning.  Bring any objects you would like to charge with the ceremony and even objects you would like to burn.  If the weather doesn’t cooperate I have a way to burn safely inside.

For Sacred Ceremony we enter the studio with masks on, sign in, use hand sanitizer, and then find our seat.  You may access cushions and blankets which you will leave where you place them at the end of the night to be sanitized in the morning.  We do all of this quietly.  To begin we get quiet and practice pranayama of a soothing nature.  Pamela places her mask and uses Sage to smudge safely from a distance behind you only.  While being smudged you also receive a blessing.  We go around the circle and share. Sometimes the sharing is directed and sometimes you just share whatever you want.  You may talk as long as you like and your friends actively listen without interruption, advice, or comment.  Usually we have a discussion about a specific topic and then we meditate.  The meditations are always different to elicit different effects in the subconscious stream.  Sometimes it is silent and sometimes we chant.

See you there!  Pamela


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.