To be a yogi, you do not need a yoga mat.  In fact, you never ever have to come to yoga class or even experience a yoga pose. The Sage Patajali codified yoga 2,500 years ago in 196 sutras (sentences…well magical stitches really) and only 3 of the 196 even mention the human body in a form.  All 3 basically say sit your butt down, be still, and be comfortable.

The remaining sutras talk about how to still your thinking mind.  The purpose of yoga is to still your thinking mind so you can see.  See what?  Well, the divine.  God.  Ultimately the divinity in your own nature.  Spoiler alert!  You are God.  Yoga is a spiritual practice.  No more.  No less.  Yoga is a philosophy when put into practice on and off your mat allows you to have a relationship with your mind that is fun, creative, and dynamic.  (it also improves your relationship with others).

So why do we fuss so much over the physical practice of yoga called asana?  I guess because asana is fun and it feels good.  It is very difficult to sit your butt down and be still for any lengthen of time if you are not comfortable.  The poses are designed to make you flexible, strong, stable, and comfortable.  Think about it…If you are physically suffering, can you settle your mind down?  Not a chance.  I always say pain is the easiest form of meditation because the mind moves to it with one pointed focus effortlessly.  In fact, you can’t move your mind away from pain without incredible effort.  So if you are in pain, you will not be able to meditate.  You need to get physically healthy to be a yogi.

Moving your body settles the mind.  Even if you have never experienced a yoga class, you have gone for a walk, run, or bike ride.  When your body is moving and working, your mind goes to a place of peace.  At the end of yoga class is when you are most able to easily meditate.

Now this is just a short nothing blog that can’t convey the experience of living as a yogi.  There is so much magic and mysticism within the practice.  There are so many mantras and pranayamas to learn to change your life.  It is well beyond intentional living.  It is well beyond religion.  It is a way for you to relate to YOU.  Sadly, lots of folks think they can’t do yoga and that is because they are going to the wrong yoga studio or found a free class somewhere where the yoga was not appropriate for their current physical condition.  So the class was too hard and you gave up.  Its time to try again.  Not for the asana.  Come for the benefits to the mind. Come to be a yogi.

I strongly encourage you to come to EOM. We have more New to Yoga Beginner level classes than any other studio.  It doesn’t matter if you are inflexible, injured, sick, overweight, anxious, depressed, or anything else.  We will take care of you.  You will feel better.  Just come.  Peace, Pamela


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.