So I’m sitting in a moment. A dear one has blocked communication on the big FB after much drama involving mostly my inability to make their world right. This is a skill I do not possess. I cannot make your world right just as my teachers cannot make my world right. I care about you.  I desire for your world to be right. I cannot make your world right.

In these moments, a good teacher, the best teachers…and I’ve been blessed to have so many, with become indifferent to your suffering. It’s true. I’ve had it happen many times. I go to my teacher and explain my life is this and that and mostly complain and act disempowered. I desire their comfort and their love and I really really really really just want to talk. That’s called talk therapy. It’s not yoga.

Good teachers will listen and at the end of any diatribe, they will ask the following:

“Are you doing your sadhana?”

A sadhana is a personal spiritual practice including getting up before the sun, meditating, praying, contemplating and moving through yoga postures. You do it every day. It is supported by right routine and right nutrition known as Ayurveda. It includes adherence to the yogi code of conduct or the 8 limbs of yoga. It works.

If I ever offer any reason why I’m not doing my sadhana, they don’t care. They just smile & laugh and tell me to do sadhana. They also don’t care how long it takes me to suffer. There is divine timing in all things.

So, sit in your suffering or do your work. I can only give you the tools. You gotta open the tool box yourself.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.