I found myself in conversation about Kundalini the other day. If you are new to the term as well, Kundalini is the manifest energy of creation. According to some yoga traditions, it lies dormant in the base of the spine coiled up like a serpent in three coils. Each coil represents a quality of perception or Guna. Basically, a Guna is how you see the world. Some people see a yucky world (tamasic), some people see a hostile world (rajistic) and some people see a peaceful world (sattvic). Most people are seeing a mixed up world. You see the world based on your karmic impressions. That simply means your filter is colored by how you grew up, where you incarnated and who you hang out with. Your habits and beliefs known or not known to you create the impressions.
With disciplined focus we practice very specific yoga, breath work and meditation to stir the Kundalini so it begins to rise through the spine and beyond the crown chakra to mate or yoke with the divine masculine. The mated energy settles back in the heart chakra and we know cosmic consciousness, truth or love. The process of the serpent climbing the spine cleanses the lens of perception and you see the world as less yucky and more peaceful. Seeing the light of the world contributes to overall health and happiness. It also facilitates a tangible relationship with the divine that is reliable and repeatable.
As fascinating as I find the above discourse, the only thing the other person heard was Kundalini is depicted as a snake. They don’t like snakes. Sigh…
I don’t like snakes either.
So what are we really doing here? Well, we are using a lot of symbolism to dive into our inherent nature, to explore our psychology and to explore our duality. What do we fear the most? Probably not snakes. Probably we fear our own darkness, our contradictions and our deepest desires. You are most afraid of you. You also fear the change to come to your current life resulting from Kundalini awakening. Humans hate change especially change looking a lot like owning your own shit, not blaming others and accepting responsibility for the current conditions and circumstances of your life created by your very own undisciplined mind.
Again, you are creating your life, the circumstances of your life and all activities and exchanges appearing to happen to you. Nothing is happening to you. No one is being mean to you, punishing you or hurting you. The world is not out to get you and despite logic and what your senses tell you, you have created your life with your thoughts. You are doing all of it to yourself attracting to you again and again possible unpleasant circumstances with a huge Karma Magnet lodged deep in your heart. In essence, you are biting yourself and swallowing your own poison. Isn’t that why we really fear snakes? Dislodging the magnet is the only way to transcend the current experience of your life.
Aren’t you sick of getting more of the same?
What if instead you could live a mythical and magical life full of love?
All yoga raises Kundalini. Kundalini Yoga just does it super fast. My recommendation is Kundalini Yoga once a week and the integration of the energy through a daily Hatha Yoga practice to build the physical, emotional and energy body to a level it can carry the Kundalini without causing imbalance. Daily meditation is a must as well as application of Ayurvedic principles.
Kundalini is in the Montgomery studio on Tuesdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 9:30 am.
*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.