I got a great question yesterday from a woman who is a massage therapist and is having a tough time building her business in a very competitive market.  It seems that there is a massage therapist on every corner now, not to mention discounted chains like Massage Envy are wreaking havoc on the individual massage therapist.

When I was re-branding Elemental OM a few years back, I worked with a super groovy guy in California  who was a marketing genius.  He worked for a man named Marty Neumeier who wrote a book called “Zag.” which I gave away and am ordering again immediately and so should you.   I remember it was fantastic and included the following process on some level.  My friend had me complete the following exercise where I basically had to determine how unique EOM is.  I needed to be able to say Elemental OM is the only _____ that _______.  The key word being ONLY.

Step 1:

Figure out what everyone else is offering including their prices, location, times, and limitations.

Step 2:

Figure out what your are passionate about and can offer that is not being offered.  Look for a unique angle.  An example would be a massage therapist that offers lunch with lunch time massage or a massage therapist group that is on call 24/7 for people needing emergency massage work.  (I know that sounds funny, but the studio gets calls all the time from hurt people and rarely can we help them because the massage therapists are booked.)

Step 3:

Write your “only” statement to guide you.  He suggested to use the who, what, when, where, why, and how method.  Here’s the simple process.

This is what I came up with:

  • Who? (target audience)…Woman over 40 who are new to yoga and the lifestyle.
  • What? (what are you?) Elemental Om is a Healing Center
  • When? In an era (do use the word era, it was important) when most people are seeking out hot fitness yoga and few studios are offering anything but.
  • Where?  Cincinnati and Lebanon, Ohio
  • Why? (why does target audience need you?) Seeking a spiritual experience
  • How? (how do you get them to come in? what is unique) EOM is founded in the traditions of Ayurveda

 Example 1:

Elemental Om is the only healing center empowering people to embrace the yogic lifestyle founded in the principles of Ayurveda to students seeking an authentically spiritual yoga experience in Cincinnati and Lebanon, Ohio in an era when hot fitness power studios rule the city.

Example 2

X”  is the only massage therapist offering convenient lunch time massages and providing lunch to busy professionals in Cincinnati, Ohio who want to enjoy a relaxing lunch hour and still have time for a healthy, nutritious, and detoxifying lunch in an era when professional are too busy to take care of themselves.

The power in this is you are now distinguished from the pack.  If you solely focus on spending all of your marketing resources, all of your time, and all of your messaging to this “only”, you have a a winner.  You also won’t get distracted.

For example, at EOM it is a distraction to offer events and services that do not marry with the yogic lifestyle.  So, if I were to start offering dance classes (and I’ve tested this) they would flop.  If I were to offer raw foodie classes, they would flop.  If I were to offer some weird yoga infusion, it would flop.  If I went extreme vegan and animal rights activist, it would flop.  If I market to people who just want to get in shape, they are disappointed IF they even show up.  If I take on a cause non-yoga related, it will flop.  Your “only” statement is your boundary and it will save you from going down the wrong road and empower you to promote yourself efficiently and authentically.

It also gets you to a point of authenticity not just with your clients, but with yourself.  I know it seems “limiting” because we think we can’t turn anything away, but it actually is incredibly focused like a crystal lazer and it works.  Om, Pamela

Link to Mary’s book>>>


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.