It’s day three of my Sat Nam Rasayan Retreat and I’m in pretty deep now.  I’m having a truly unique experience with this.  The day begins at 4 am with Sadhana.  Guru Dev has given us a very specific and very difficult practice for the collective anxiety.  Basically, Guru Dev reads the energy of the group and decides what is the primary importance. We then spend the entire day and evening doing specific meditations to adjust the energy of the group based on what Guru Dev feels and work on each other.

Working on each other means that one person (the patient) lies down, while the other person (the practitioner) goes into a meditative state and merges energetically with the patient.  It’s a process of feeling sensations in your body, finding the resistance, relaxing into the resistance, and resting in the intention that this is healing to the other person.  Thoughts and feelings arise, but there is no “thinking” around them.  There is simply merging into the field.

I’ll give you my experience yesterday.  While working on my partner, my body on the left side become excruciatingly hot…to the point I was sweating.  I simply felt the heat, knew it was resistance, did not respond to it mentally (really hard to not respond), and sat with it until it dissipated.  I then went to the next sensation in my body and that was a sharp ache in my front jaw.  Again, I noticed it as “resistance”, “contemplated it”, and let it go.  While I was doing this a very vivid image of a foot appeared to me and I’ll be honest, it was kinda gross.  The foot had been cut open and I could see the bone.  Again, I didn’t think about it (after I realized I was thinking and moved on to the next sensation.

So when we were done, I asked my partner about her experience and was shocked to learn that she is suffering from pains down the left side of her body.  She had foot surgery a few months ago and this is probably twisting her spine and causing the pain.  She is suffering from tmj (which I did know) and it’s probably from all of the above.  Further, none of this matters.  You don’t have to know what is wrong with the patient.  You don’t have to know what their experience is.  You simply focus on your own feeling and know that it works.

Wow.  I’ve received so many healing modalities in my life and I have to tell you that Sat Nam Rasayan has been the most effective and transformative for me.  It’s because it gets into the 60% of the brain that is truly unconscious. It heals your unconscious choice-maker.  The truth is underneath my patient’s foot surgery was all that led up to the initial foot surgery in her mind.  Now that’s something to NOT think about.  I can’t wait to start using this in my Ayurvedic Consultations.

The cool thing about Sat Nam Rasayan is that you can facilitate healing on a physical or emotional level.  You can also heal events, places, and things to come.  Ultimately, Guru Dev desires that we use Sat Nam Rasayan on a daily basis to heal the planet.

In order to be a practitioner, you must have a very very strong meditation practice.  In fact, it is desirous that you maintain a state of meditation in life…always sensing and feeling and shifting.  I’m practicing that and it’s really cool what you pick up in the environment.  Of course, having a Kundalini practice and a yogic lifestyle are critical to maintain a state of meditation in life.

So, back the theme of 99% of my blogs…you have to do your personal work, you have to make good choices for your body, mind, and relationships, and you have to have an attitude of helping and serving to be able to actually use this powerful technique.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.