I am leaving the mountains of Telluride and have said goodbye to our fifteen guests, locked up the mountain dream palace, and am headed back to Elemental OM.  All twenty of us agreed that this trip was beyond exceptional.  I can’t remember having a better time, a better experience, and being with better people in my entire life. 

I am so grateful.

People you gotta check out that we just loved:

·      Kate Towell   www.katetowell.com/ Kate joined our group from Oregon.  She is an Ayurvedic specialist and found us on the web.  She’s beyond awesome and you have to check out her blog. 

·      Rebecca Butler.  Rebecca teaches one hard physical class of heart openers with a gorgeous talk track of joy.  We all left with little balls of light pinging through our hearts shouting “choose joy.”  What a gorgeous mantra.

·      Karl Straub.  Karl is a friend of mine and I new all our yogis would fall in love.  His booming voice, his gift for story telling, and his powerfully gentle style had everyone crushing by the end of the trip.

·      Beryl Bender Birch.  Beryl is the mother of power yoga.  Beryl brought a very diverse yogic perspective.  She has a unique and non-threatening presentation of power yoga.

Feedback from the kids:

Yoga can be fun.  Lots of cool people do yoga.  We had 20 crazy aunts in the house with us.   It was pretty awesome.  Very relaxing and I did stuff I didn’t think I’d be able to do in yoga.  I really want to go back for the mountain biking. 

Cleanse update:

I’m a little off of my 120-day Cleanse, not so much with food, but with the routine of it.  I got to try new meditations in class, but failed on my personal practicing meaning I will be starting my 40 days of long Ek Ong Kar over again.  Honestly, it’s been spiritually cleansing to let it go and be in community instead.  For the most part I’ve done well…a few bite  of ice-cream, blueberry pie, coffee (ugg…but who can resist sitting outside on a mountain top with a steaming mug).  We had firepit and a few glasses of wine and that’s the real thing that I always need to be overly mindful of.  Coming home, I’ll be watching my triggers and intend to do a quick and deep clean out this week with veggie juices, basmati rice, and steamed veggies. 

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.