Yogi Bhajan describes frustration as having the energy to do something, but not knowing what to do or having a huge outlet, but no energy.  I suffer from frustration a lot.  One day I’m full of great ideas and energy, but most ideas are so long term that I don’t get to see them immediately manifest.  The next day, I  know the exact mundane and boring steps that must be taken to realize my ultimate goal and I have no energy to actually perform those tasks.

Until I read Yogi Bhajan’s definition of frustration from “The 21 Stages of Meditation” by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, I didn’t know what I was suffering from.

Moving through frustration is not so hard:

  • Understand what frustration actually is (from above) and identify the cause.
  • Accept whatever you have identified from above as it is.  Usually this is some situation.
  • Understand that the situation is negative and all negatives can be transformed to a positive.
  • Allow space and grace for the positive to manifest.

So I was trying to come up with my number one source of frustration and wowsie!  I’m one frustrated person, but I picked this one.

  • I have the energy to finish my next book, but I don’t have the time
  • I accept that because of the day to day activities of managing, marketing, and accounting for yoga studios  that I am not able to direct my energy to my next book.
  • This is a very negative and frustrating situation for me.  Negatives don’t stay negative.  There is a way out.
  • I allow space and grace for the Universe to take this problem from me. (okay I’m slightly worried two yoga centers are going to burn down now….)  Rephrase:  I allow space and grace for the Universe to resolve this problem to the benefit of all humanity.

Now you have identified the problem.  Meditate as below.  Go for a walk.  Clear your head.   Allow a few days for all of this to settle and watch for the universal clues.

Now you have to do the Self-Hypnosis to Dissolve Frustration.  We are going to practice it this evening during the meditation class at 8 pm.   I can’t find a download to link you to, so here is the short and sweet:

  • Tune with the Adi Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo chanting 3 times.
  • Warm up with the Basic Spinal Flex set or any set that calls you.
  • Sit in easy pose with the hands in gyan mudra.  Close the eiyes.  Inhale through rounded lips and imagine you drawing all energy to the naval center.  Exhale through the mouth from the navel to the nose.  Pull the naval center in firmly at the bottom of the exhale.  Build the energy here at this manifestation point for 15 minutes.
  • Stay in easy pose.  Breathe naturally.  Focus on your heart chakra with the intent to combine the energy you just created with the heart.  Meditate on nothingness, zero, and stillness.  As you are disrupted by thoughts of a disturbing nature, multiply them with the feeling of zero. Imagine them moving away from you into a point of nothingness.  If you think something happy or positive, just observe and let it go.  Do this for 11 minutes.
  • Now lock your mind on one single word that best describes what it is you are manifesting.  For me, it is “ease.”  It could be “love”, “peace”, “health”, “abundance”, or “wealth.”  Beam this thought with your whole heart beyond zero…beyond infinity, without limitation.  Put your mind into a deep sense of hypnosis with this one thought for 15 minutes.
  • To end:  inhale deeply and move move move.  Exhale.  Repeat for a total of 3 times.  Lift the arms straight up and stretch the fingers tight.  Continue this stretching as you breath and do this for 2.5 minutes.  Inhale as deep as you can suspending the breath and now lay down and relax for 15 minutes.




*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.