Food is easy for me.  I actually love grains, beans, and veggies.  If you asked me my favorite food of all time I’d have to say spinach.    So to start this first week with grains, beans, and veggies is okay.  I knew this first week would be about organization, coffee, and unwinding my schedule.

I’m 1/2 way there on the coffee.  My schedule is coming into alignment as the Universe seems to support my desires.  If fact, my schedule is coming so blessedly into alignment to support my workaholic recovery that yesterday I found myself completely free of work…NOTHING to do.  (I mean I could have done a million things, but I didn’t HAVE to do anything.  This is just in case my accountant is reading this.) So what did I do and what did I continue to do today?

What any workaholic would do; I pretended not to work.  I decided that if I went into the Lebanon studio and cleaned it from head to to, threw away 6 years of accumulation, and re-arranged all the furniture by myself that that wasn’t really working.  That was cleaning.  Aren’t they different?  I then decided that even though I was completely and totally physically exhausted that running to office max for supplies is shopping. I mean shopping is having fun right?  Shopping is a hobby.  That’s not work.

I have to pause and ask myself what is work?  I think I don’t know the answer because I don’t know what “not” working is.  Well my over consumption of the last two days of pretending not to work, it took it’s toll tonight at the grocery.  On my phone, distracted, starving, I did what any nonthinking person would do.  I grabbed the sugar cookie in the freebie stand.  It was in my mouth before I even knew what I was doing.

Now I know the world isn’t going to end, but it speaks to how unconscious one becomes when tired, overworked, and not well planned.

So, I sit here at 7:06 pm waiting for my Quinoa to finish so that I can finally eat.  Thank God for and the fact that they sent me just the right fixins for the following quick recipe:

Recipe for Quinoa Rice Salad

Other awesome things for today (I’m already shifting up)

  • I’m still high from Tuesday night’s meditation from the 21 stages of meditation I’m leading.  It rocked and everyone I’m running into that was there  is as high as I am.  Come next week if you missed out.
  • I had “surprise” tea with a former Cleanser and friend at the mall who popped in to Athleta to see if I was there teacher.
  • I taught my last class at Athleta and now my Thursday am is totally free! 
  • I got to be of service to a friend who has brain cancer.
  • I got to enjoy our totally fresh Lebanon studio.  I hope you do to.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.