Candida & Ayurveda

Candida is a fungus that lives in all humans.  It thrives in the mouth, throat, intestinal tract and genital track.  There is a healthy balance that exists when a person is experience good health.  Sometimes though, we go out of balance and this fungus will grow rapidly distorting balance.

Lots of things can happen in your life to cause this situation:

  • are you experiencing a very stressful period of life?
  • have you been suffering from a nagging stress for a long period of time?
  • is your diet heavy, dense and not appropriate for your Ayurvedic constitution?
  • are you sleeping poorly?
  • are you failing to take a daily walk and exercise?
  • have you been on an antibiotic?
  • have you been taking oral contraceptives?

Basically, all of these factors contribute to low immunity. 

Deciding that you actually have Candida out of control is difficult because it presents in so many ways.  Do always seek medical advice.  Here is the “short” list of symptoms:

  • Gas & bloating
  • Tongue coated with a white sticky substance
  • Feel tired and sleeping poorly
  • Suffering from migraines, headaches, and generalized aches and pains.
  • Irritability, confusions, OCD, anxiety attacks, and panic attacks have all been related to Candida because it effects the nervous system.
  • Skin problems like eczema, rashes,  and excessive dryness.
  • Are you experiencing any of the following?  UTI, infections, respiratory illness such as asthma or an inability to concentrate?

If you have been diagnosed with excess Candida you can use the following to assist your body to heal:


  • Alcohol, Caffeine, Processed Foods especially refined sugar, meat dairy.
  • Avoid breads, pastas, hard cheeses and sour fruits.
  • Avoid fermented products such as alcohol and vinegars.


  • Beans, Veggies, Complex Whole Grains, Fruit, nuts (not peanuts though), seeds and light oils.
  • Drink hot ginger tea.  Use fresh ginger and drink 4 cups each day.
  • Cook all of your food including fruit.
  • Embrace pungent spice including gingers, peppers and cinnamon.
  • Treat yourself to a sesame seed oil massage daily.
  • Ingest 1 tablespoon of flax oil daily.
  • Neem

Of course you have to get to the root cause of your imbalance.  If you are stressed, choices must be made that will eliminate this stressor.  If you  have an unfavorable habit like caffeine, alcohol, or sugar, then you must cure the mind to rid the habit.  If you are not sleeping, eating or exercise, you need to step back and look at your schedule.  Routine is critical to health.

When yogis consult with me one on one and have been diagnosed with Candida, I start them with the Elemental Cleanse to teach them how to embrace movement, meditate, eliminate those unfavorable choices, and create a plan to get to the root cause of their stress.

Shanti,  Pamela


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.