Go Ahead……….. touch yourself…….. and others
Translated, means “Loving Hands”

Oil Massage Therepy


Watch Banyon Video at bottom of post…

Abhyanga may be the best thing that has come from Ayurveda.  It combines oils that are nutritive to your body with touch that soothes your mind and spirit.  It is easy, inexpensive and totally ADDICTIVE.  Once you begin an abhyanga practice, you will make it part of your daily routine with effortless ease.


An abhyanga massage is the perfect way to start and end your day.  It is a self massage that can be performed to invigorate you in the morning and relax you in the evening.  It only takes 2 to 10 minutes to perform and provides immeasurable healing benefits.


Oil is better for your skin than lotion.  The difference between moisturizing with oil and lotion is that oil is actually absorbed by your cells.   Oil is fat-soluable and the oil molecules are very small.  The tiny capillaries on your skin absorb the oil into your bloodstream and distribute it throughout your nervous and lymphatic systems.  That is why oils can have calming and soothing effect  or an invigorating effect when treated with differerent herbs.  For example, lavender infused oil would relax you.  Mustard infused oil would invigorate you.


Your body is in constant dynamic exchange with the environment.  You are quite literally digesting your environment.  It is recommended to use products that you can actually eat.


Oils by Body Type

These oils are all wonderful carrier oils which can be used daily.  If you wish, you may infuse them with other essential oils.  Please notice that Sesame Seed Oil is the perfect oil for most people who are learning to embrace an Ayurvedic lifestyle.  This is because the Wind or Vata in most of Western bodies is out of balance due to our hectic lifestyle.  EOM suggests that all body types begin with Sesame Oil, including The Fire.


The Wind Sesame or Almond oil
The Fire  Coconut oil
The Earth Sunflower or Sesame Oil

The Massage

  • The abhyanga massage should be performed on a towel as it can be messy.  You may warm the oil by simply running it in the bottle under hot water.  You can perform the massage after your shower.  Simply take the bottle into the shower with you and it will heat up there.  (This conserves water too).  You may consider purchasing an oil warmer.  Simply put the oil on to heat before you get in your shower and it will be ready when you come out.
  • Most people will prefer to perform abhyanga prior to showering to avoid feeling oily throughout the day.  At bedtime, however, plan to leave the oil on to absorb and heal while you sleep.
  • Start at your scalp.  Use a couple of tablespoons of oil and vigoriously massage your scalp in small circles.  Work your way down to your ears and massage the inside and outside of your ears.
  • Move to your face.  Massage in little gentle circles going clockwise.  The carrier oils are perfect for your face, but many people choose to use a vitamin E oil on their face instead.
  • Move to your arms and legs.  Vigorously rub the oil in long strokes.  Some say that if you rub upwards, it will break down cellulite… No proof on that… yet!
  • Rub your torso in a clockwise circular motion.
  • Enlist a friend to do the hard to reach places!!!  Remember this is healing touch therapy.
  • The massage should take 5 – 10 minutes

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.