In your mind are little roads for your thoughts to travel that you have created and maintained for a lifetime.  They are familiar to you.  So familiar, in fact, that you can get from point A to point B without even paying attention.  Think about the last time you experienced driving your car and doing just that.  Lost in thought, you arrived at your destination without running any red lights, but you don’t really remember the ride.  The Cleanse takes you through a process where you become, not only very aware that you’re driving on the road, but it also makes you aware that the road is in need of repair.  You begin to realize that the road is actually quite ugly and not taking you to your desired destination.   In fact, the road isn’t even a road.  It’s a track just like at the races that goes around and around forever.

Through the process of Cleansing, you have a tangible experience of health.  Your mind and body receive an experience in what it is to feel good and the racetrack you have been on becomes very unattractive.  You decide to build a new road with a destination.  This is the energy and effort of the Cleanse.

Once the choice is made, the new road goes under construction.  The new road is smooth, fresh and screams freedom.  You really like the new road and where it is headed.  Sometimes, though, you find yourself back on the racetrack.  You don’t even know how you ended up there.  You were just driving along and there are you.

You notice immediately that it is bumpy.  It is uncomfortable.  You cannot stay there.  You quickly look for the exit to the new road.  This happens again and again until the racetrack slowly disappears.

The magic to the Cleanse is the bumpy road becomes unbearable.  You will not stay there.  Your soul won’t let you.  You take action.  It’s beyond willpower.

That’s how the Cleanse works.  That’s why it works for so many different situations.  That’s why it will work for you.  Shanti, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.