The Fire Mind

The Fire is the tension created when the elements Fire and Water combine.  This dosha in Ayurveda is known as “Pitta”.  You do have the other doshas of Wind (Vata) and Earth (Kapha) in your mind; however, their expression is not your first response.

To understand how your mind behaves, you only have to think of the elements that combine to create Fire; Fire and Water. Fire is hot, bright, intense and abrupt.  Water is cool, smooth, nourishing, moist and oily. Your personality exhibits these qualities.

You probably exhibit the following characteristics in your personality:

  • The Fire in all minds is the process of discernment.  Combine that with a predominance of Fire (Pitta) and you have a person who is very good at making decisions, managing others and leading.  In a balanced state, this is a person who is “large and in charge.”  You are a dynamic speaker, leader and motivator.  Even in balance, this can also be troublesome as you may find that you take on the problems of the world and the responsibility to solve them.
  • Because of your determined mental state, you are prone to suffer from work-related stress.  You may find that you feel you are the only one who can do things the correct way and that those around you are not as intelligent or capable.  The lesson for the Fire is to learn to delegate through leadership and to allow others the freedom to be who they are.
  • You stay focused.  Fires have incredible follow through.  You don’t necessarily want to do the work of completing a project, but you like to see a project from start to finish.  Fires have the ability to plan long-term and love goal setting.
  • You are fabulous at leading others to do tasks.  In fact, you would thrive in a job where you are in charge of others.  Fires suffer enormously when working for a company or boss who micro-manages.  If working for another, Fires need to be empowered and set free to make decisions and follow through.  Only someone that you greatly respect, admire and are learning from will lead you.
  • You take care of others.  Fires are passionate about family, friends and the world.  You see yourself as humanitarian and desire to solve problems for others.  You are self-reliant and rarely ask for help from others, but constantly offer it.
  • You can be reluctant to share your emotions and fear that the emotional ups and downs in life are a sign of weakness.  Others may not realize how badly you are hurting as you are very good at masking your pain.  You hate mistakes and perceive that they are the fault of others’ incompetence.  You prefer to do everything yourself so that it is done the “right” way.  Sometimes you feel very stressed by the heavy load of responsibility you carry.  You will find that you need periods of intense physical activity followed by rest to release your stress.  You crave nature, especially water.
  • You probably love your routine, are disciplined and organized.  Fires like their offices and homes to be neat and organized.  Fires tend to get up and go to bed at the same time each day as well as eat meals in a routine fashion.  Fires can be vain and are disciplined in their physical practices gravitating towards energy releasing activities such as running, hiking, biking and lifting weights.
  • Fires are good with money.  When purchasing, a Fire will go for the big-ticket item that is luxurious.
  • Fire minds tend to have very passionate and active dreams.


The Fire Body

The Fire body tends to be more mosomorphic.  This means that you have a wedged shaped body (think about the V that a body builder makes with his torso).  Arms and legs are muscular, shoulders are broad and hips are narrow.  The body appears narrow from front to back, but not side to side.  There is a minimum of fat on the body.

  • The Fire exhibits a lot of strength, agility and speed.  You are athletic and probably love cardio and lifting weights.  You see immediate benefits from these sports.  It is very easy for you to gain and lose weight.
  • You tend to be a hot.  That means you are sensitive to heat and sun with skin that tends to burn and freckle.  Do use sunscreen and minimize your exposure to the sun and to extreme heat.  Your skin tends to feel hot and you may sweat a lot.  The heat annoys you.
  • Your skin tends to be oily and is prone to outbreaks even in a balanced state.  Stress really does a number on your skin.  Your hair may be thin and accumulate oil.
  • You may have a stronger body odor and breath.  When you consume heating foods such as onion, garlic and peppers it is more noticeable than for the other body types.
  • You use your life force up more quickly than the other elements.  Because of this, you are prone to premature aging and graying.  Your hair may thin at an earlier age as well.
  • You have very strong digestion and can eat pretty much anything you want to.  If you put on a few pounds, it’s easy for you to take it off. The caution for The Fire is not to overindulge.  Because you can eat pretty much whatever you want and easily lose weight, you tend to overdo it. No one needs to tell you to eat three meals a day.  Your friends could set their watches by your hunger and if you are not fed you may become grumpy and irritable.
  • If you have any digestive discomfort, it is in the form of heartburn, indigestion, sour belly and loose elimination.  Your emotions strongly affect your digestion as well as any hot or spicy food.
  • You tend to have a nice asymmetrical athletic build and you love to exert yourself so it’s no problem for you to exercise vigorously.    Be sure to not overindulge in exercise as well.  It is very common for the Fire type to want to lift weights and artificially inflate their bodies.  Make sure to incorporate a nice cool down after your workouts.


Some famous Fire bodies include Julianne Moore, Debra Messing, Jennifer Aniston, Madonna and Cindy Crawford.  Famous men include Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Denzel Washington, Justin Timberlake and Kobe Bryant

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.