This morning I woke up on this auspicious day of 12.12.12 around 4 am and decided to take advantage of the thin veil and meditate.  Astrologically, 12.12.12 doesn’t mean a whole lot, but my friends who love numerology tell me that this is a big day.  Added all together, you get the number 9.  I think everyone is forgetting that it’s actually 12.12.2012 and that’s 11.  Anyhow, I’ll forgo what seems obvious to me and accept the widely accepted belief that today is a 9.  Nine is a big number in spiritual circles because that number is the only number you can multiply by, reduce, and get back to that number.  It’s the only constant. It’s energy is expansive.  Nine represents love on a global level.

Now I have to back up a little bit…  Last night I was greeted at the front door with a much anticipated package from Amazon.  In it, the highly coveted, much saved for, and life changing Roomba.  That guy is the very expensive little circular automatic sweeper that is cooler than anything you’ve ever seen in your entire life and will totally change the wool dust bunny situation in the Montgomery studio.  With much excitement I unwrapped that little lover, literally gave him a huge hug, and plugged him in to charge so he’d be ready to go to work with me in the morning.

Well that little guy sure was happy to join the world on 12.12.12.  He charged himself right up and went to work at 3 am.

Now I have to back up even more.  I have a Golden Retriever named Cheddar.  I love her dearly, but boy oh boy does her purebred belly have it’s issues.  Last week she stole my son’s dinner when he evacuated the house to stand on the front porch in the cold to wait for me to come home because he thought there was a ghost in the house (that’s a different blog).  Anyhow, her belly has not been happy since. (Chicken fried in Crisco…my daughter’s only request for her birthday from her health nut mom…again, that’s a different blog).

Flash forward.  So at 4 am as I’m walking to my meditation room, I notice a smell.  In horror, I notice that my lovely lover Roomba is not on his dock.  In terror, I walk into the kitchen to see poor little Roomba sitting in the middle of a big pile of….S@$T.  He’s covered.  Boy that little guy tried hard.  I know he wanted to make a good first impression and have the house all tidy for me.  I can only imagine after the first charge of his little life how excited he must have been to sweep.  He must have thought he hit the jackpot.  I gave him a bath (details of which are omitted with intent), but sadly, I don’t know if he’s going to make it.  He just wasn’t designed to handle that kind of a mess.

(the dog is fine…stop worrying about her.)

So, if everything means something and all is a reflection of my thoughts and a creation of my Soul, what does it mean on 12.12.12…a day of love and expansion…when Roomba who you have been yearning for for a year dies his first time out trying to clean up a big pile of S#@T?

What on earth could that represent and what is my lesson?  Seriously?  WHAT??????  I can only imagine it must mean as we approach global love and expansion, as we near the end/beginning of the world, as we dawn upon the Age of Aquarius that we will still have piles of S#@T to clean up.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.