The Snow Moon is the full moon lunation for February Astrology. Known as the Snow Moon because of the heavy snow we historically received in February in the north. Not so much true nowadays due to our ever shifting climate which has been dramatically changed with the planet Uranus (the change maker) entering the sign of Taurus (earth). This happened in 2018 with Uranus exiting for the sign of Gemini in 2026.  We will continue to see the most radical earth events during this period with serious solutions emerging toward 2026.

The Snow Moon is at 1 degree of Pisces (the fish, water, 12th house, ruled by Neptune) and conjunct Saturn in Aquarius.  Saturn is the Devil, ruler of the 10th house and most at home in Capricorn. When worshipped correctly the Devil turns into a handsome prince who saves the day with a kiss.  Aquarius is the water bearer or healer (and an AIR sign) housed in the 11th and ruled by Uranus. Expect the unexpected from an Aquarian.  Expect the Aquarian Age to bring great healing to the masses.

Saturn is a planet of foundation formation. Saturn rules the structure of your life. Saturn asks you to find four pillars to live by and challenges you to be your best. A Saturn transit in a native’s chart challenges these structures and poorly placed pillars fall.  Aquarius is the sign of the masses.  It is new age, new technology and the humanitarian.  Aquarius accepts all people of all types and craves connection with those who break patters.

So we have a planet who prefers structure in a sign that breaks structure. Collectively we have been feeling this as government, businesses and organizations are forced to restructure in an Aquarian way.  Saturn, at 28 degrees Aquarius is quickly getting ready to move to Pisces.  Pisces has no structure.  It is water, etheric, mysterious and often confusing. Saturn enters Pisces on March 8th at 0 degrees moving all the way up to 7 degrees before retrograding on July 15th.  It doesn’t see Aquarius again though as the retrograde only takes it back to 0 degrees Pisces,.  On 11/29/23 it turns direct again and will give a challenge to to anything you are creating between now and 7/15.  AND YOU NEED TO CREATE SOMETHING BECAUSE THIS NEW MOON IS ACTIVATING THIS ENERGY. Expect clarity and some revisions on your creation in December…perhaps even unusual development.  Don’t let this energy slip through your fingers like a fish because your idea is not perfect yet.  Take action.

Think of a lunation as the final code that opens a lock.  A Saturn/Pisces portal is opening.  Saturn puts form to your creative ideas.  Pisces dissolves structures.  It is time to end relationships, professional and otherwise, that aren’t true. The litmus test for the time is “If it is true, then it is working.”  That means anything not working is no longer true.  Abandon.  Move on.  Start something new. Give up on the old way you have done things.  Take action with this lunation.

February 15th leading up to the new moon Venus is perfectly conjunct Neptune both in Pisces at 24 degrees.  This is beautiful energy carrying through the new moon.  Deep healing on a spiritual level will take place.  Creative ideas are divinely guided.  Trust the process.  Pay attention to your dreams.  Be mindful not to use this energy to overindulge or escape.  It would be such a waste.  Supporting this is Jupiter (former ruler of Pisces) conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer).

Many magical things are happening.  Trust the Divine has a plan for you and relax your mind.  Follow your emotions (moon) to their psychic end.


Please contact Pamela at for an appointment.  $95/hour and the birth time, birth date and birth place should be received 2 – 3 days prior to the appointment.

Full Moon in Pisces

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.